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It was some time before she seemed to grow conscious of Elmur's gaze; a slight fleck of colour showed and paled in her cheeks, and then at length her long lashes fluttered up and the German perceived in the darkness of her eyes a trace of unshed tears. 'Mademoiselle, you are tired, he said with solicitude. 'Yes, she answered smiling.

I knew this connection was under consideration by Elmur, but the engagement did not exist a few hours ago, and the present moment is precisely the most inopportune which could be chosen for its announcement, hence it follows that someone has forced Elmur's hand, or that he is forcing the hand of someone, it may be Mdlle. Selpdorf's. 'Will it be announced publicly? The Duke, for example.

Her daring words to the Duke had no serious meaning; they were only the natural echo of a girl's preference for a young and beautiful woman to preside over the Court, rather than the bloated rake who now lolled uneasily in the chair before him. He recalled the forlorn little smile with which she had accepted von Elmur's lover-like protestations at Madame de Sagan's doorway.

'Father! the girl cried, 'don't leave me like this. You don't understand. I only knew by chance. He is too noble to 'Ah! Selpdorf recollected Elmur's phrase, 'There is always the picturesque captain of the Guard. He paused before speaking. 'Then this noble individual does not propose to take my daughter from me altogether only to entangle her in a sentimental embarrassment?

The mischief had, of course, been done by the news of Elmur's engagement to Selpdorf's daughter, for Sagan, like others of his limited mental development, was sensitively suspicious.

First a compromise, then abdication, then he brought his hand down heavily upon the table and sat staring before him at a vision of a dream fulfilled a vision of Duke Simon of Maäsau. Elmur's lip curled as he watched the man, who, for the time being, was oblivious of all but the realisation of his own ambition.

'I should be eternally grateful if only I were of the cavalry! A sudden intense expression, like a spasm of hope or happiness, crossed Unziar's pale face in a flash. A word sprang almost involuntarily from his lips. 'The Guard But the girl cut him remorselessly short. 'I do not idealise either the Guard' she paused, then went on without taking her eyes from Elmur's face 'or the cavalry.

'It means principally that you must forget you have been robbed, that Elmur's game is up, and that you were mistaken in your opinion of the Chancellor. Counsellor looked hurriedly through the papers contained in the packet, 'John, he said suddenly, as he folded up a small sheet of cypher notes, 'you are an infernal liar.

Her clear colouring faded to extreme pallor, but her proud eyes showed no sign of shrinking from the curious glances cast upon her. She caught a trenchant aside from Sagan to Elmur: 'These cursed women will ruin us! And in answer to this even Elmur's flattery was mute. But Valerie stood haughty and erect, watching the Duke's suite file up the hall, Rallywood, as before, bringing up in the rear.

'Major Counsellor has asked me to choose flowers for the ball to-night. I choose roses. I think it is very nice of me, Major Counsellor, for is not the rose the emblem of England? said the girl, with a coquettish smile at the older man. Elmur's face clouded. This interfering old fellow had the power of making friends, which means the power of being a dangerous enemy.