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Such a sacrifice as this marriage clearly belonged in the catalogue of impossibilities. Ellis had not lived long enough to learn that impossibilities are merely things of which we have not learned, or which we do not wish to happen. Sandy returned at the end of a quarter of an hour, and dinner was announced. Mr. Delamere led the way to the dining-room with Mrs. Ochiltree. Tom followed with Clara.

She didn't seem to mind anything I suggested. She must be a bully sort of woman. I'm sorry I didn't see her. The lawyer says she comes from St. Ellis." "Young?" suggested Buck. The Padre shook his head. "I wouldn't say so. A young woman with money wouldn't be likely to hide herself in these hills." "That's so. Guess it's the gold fetching her the gold that isn't here."

"Go on the great Transcontinental, if I get the chance," he replied. "You'll get the chance all right," said the superintendent. "I'll see that you get it. Ellis, you may back the train down into town now. There's lots to see to about reconstructing the trestle." Then under his breath he added: "That's the sort of boy we want on the railroad. That's the sort of boy!" The Shadow Trail

Ellis and Caddy, and even Kinch, were unremitting in their attentions, and did all in their power to amuse and comfort him. Day by day he faded perceptibly, grew more and more feeble, until at last Doctor Burdett began to number days instead of weeks as his term of life. Clarence anticipated death with calmness did not repine or murmur.

"I know you always said you didn't want Esther to marry; but I thought if she fell in love with the right man we know that marriage is a very happy estate, sometimes, Horatio!" She sighed again. In her case it was only the memory of happiness, for Colonel Ellis had been dead these twelve years; but his widow mourned him still.

"When anybody coins words like that I'm ready for bed," said Uncle Dick. And Mary, feeling that the subject of the afternoon's doings was exhausted, drew a breath of relief. The three cousins played together most amicably all the next morning. In Mary's breast hope was high, for might not Ellis appear at any time with the pin? She counted much on that notice in the Green Island post-office.

"I didn't," said the other. "I've heard a little since." "I can fancy so," said Harvey. "And I can tell you that Ellis is mixed up in life-insurance matters in all sorts of dubious ways. It seems to me that you have reason to be most careful where you follow him." Montague sat with his hands clenched and his brows knitted.

"You've got your chance for a diagnosis at last, Doctor," he whispered to the health officer. Half an hour later, Dr. Merritt came out to the waiting journalist. "Typhus," he said, with grievous exultation. "Unmistakably and officially typhus. We've got our case. Only, I wish to God it had been any of the rest of us." "Will he die?" queried Ellis. "God knows.

Andy nudged me and got up. 'Where are you going, Mr Ellis? she asked hurriedly. 'You're not going to-night. Auntie's made a bed for you in Andy's room. You mustn't mind me. 'Jack and Andy are going out for a little while, said the Boss. 'They'll be in to supper. We'll have a yarn, Maggie. 'Be sure you come back to supper, Mr Ellis, she said.

The year 1817 was memorable on account of the arrival of two of the most distinguished missionaries who have laboured among the isles of the Pacific the Reverend J Williams and the Reverend W Ellis.