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It was well that Moses and Elias stood at the font, when they were about to be baptized into their apostleship of suffering, and labor, and helping finish the work which these glorious elders helped begin. But that great work still lay before them, and to rest here would be to stop upon the threshold; to have kept the vision would have thwarted the purpose.

Now one fine day in July, while I was drinking at the Faucon, in walks Elias Hirsch, just as miserable as ever, with hollow cheeks, hair hanging in disorder about his face, and downcast eyes. He laid his hand upon my shoulder, and said "Dear Christian, will you do me a pleasure?" "Of course I will, Elias; only say what."

But not only had this worker enlightened many Negroes in his parish, but had enlisted in the work several ladies, among whom was Mrs. Haig Edwards. The Rev. Mr. Taylor, already interested in the cause, hoped that other masters and mistresses would follow the example of Mrs. Edwards. Through the efforts of the same society another school was opened in New York City in 1704 under Elias Neau.

Elias now thought of sailing home, but first went to the shop and laid in a supply of Christmas goods including a little keg of brandy for himself and his family. Delighted as he was with his purchase, both he and his wife took that day a little more than was good for them, and Bernt, the son, also had a taste. Their shopping done, they set out to sail the new boat home.

"From Capernaum cometh he." "Capernaum of Galilee?" Martha exclaimed. "The home of fishermen?" "Yea, verily. From Galilee doth a prophet come the like of which hath not been seen since Elias was taken in a chariot of fire and whirlwind." "Thou dost speak strange words," Mary observed. "Who is this prophet?" "He is called Jesus of Nazareth, for there did he live before his home was at Capernaum."

Prophet Elias was engaged in his regular morning tour of duty, picketing T. Britt's domains, giving an hour to deliverance of taunting texts before going abroad through the town on his mission to the people with texts of comfort; the Prophet carried plenty of penetrating, textual ammunition, but he carried poultices for the spirit as well. Mr. Britt heard: "'Will he esteem thy riches?

It is probable that on their return to their own country the princes of Kieff sowed there the seeds of Christianity; for, eighty years afterward, on occasion of a conference for peace between the prince Igor and certain Byzantine ambassadors, we find mention already of a "Church of the Prophet Elias" in Kieff where the Christian Varangians swore to the observance of the treaty.

But I say unto you, That Elias is indeed come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they listed, as it is written of him.” In chapter 17, verse 13, of Matthew, it is said: “Then the disciples understood that He spake unto them of John the Baptist.”

The Jews of Christ’s time had just such ideas about the return of Elias, but Jesus explained their error, showing that the prophecy thatElias must first comewas fulfilled, not by the return of the person and body of the former Elias, but in the person of John the Baptist, who camein the spirit and power of Elias.” “And if ye will receive it,” said Christ, “this is Elias, which was for to come.

This gentleman was Signor Elias de Laurella, a wealthy Hebrew merchant at Damascus, and Austrian consul-general ad honorem; a great man, almost as celebrated for his diplomatic as for his mercantile abilities; a gentleman who understood the Eastern question; looked up to for that, but still more, in that he was the father of the two prettiest girls in the Levant.