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Even now, when we are again among men and the wine has refreshed me, I feel as if rats were gnawing at my soul. Conscience, my lord- conscience!" "You, too, are usually quite ready to play the elf in the rose-garden of love," replied Heinz gaily. "Moreover, I shall soon need a T and an S embroidered on my own doublet, for Why don't they bring the light?

The Wise One has spoken truly,” returned the Elf, “but he has doubtless told you also that you must wait while this Cloak is woven especially for you.” “That he has,” replied Prince Ember. “But let it be done quickly, I beg of you, for who can tell what the Shadow Witch may suffer at the hands of her brother if my coming be long delayed.” “Not a moment shall be lost,” the Elf assured him.

But he reproved her conduct, and even struggled with the kobold who tried to prevent his releasing her from the crab. The elf proved stronger than he. The terrible shears continued to torture her. The more she suffered, the more eagerly Lienhard seemed trying to help her, and this soothed her and blended a sweet sense of comfort with the burning pain.

There sat a little fairy queen, tiny as Titania, but dark as an elf of the East, putting up those two shapely tiny hands, brown and beautiful, to push aside the flood of hair, which certainly would have veiled her little figure all over, the doctor thought, had it been let down. Wonderful little sprite!

'Play me a spring, says the tailor. Like thought, the little man, jumping from the cradle, played round the room with great glee. A curious noise was heard meantime outside; and the tailor asked what it meant. The little elf called out: 'It's my folk wanting me, and away he fled up the chimney, leaving the tailor more dead than alive."

"Could I only bring myself to believe all that Father Geronimo does, and fall down before his Madonnas and saints, then could I hope for a new nature, and scourge away the old" he set his teeth as he spoke "till naught remains of the elf or demon, be it what it will."

I must be aided, and by that hand: and aided I was. "When once I had pressed the frail shoulder, something new a fresh sap and sense stole into my frame. It was well I had learnt that this elf must return to me that it belonged to my house down below or I could not have felt it pass away from under my hand, and seen it vanish behind the dim hedge, without singular regret.

There is a story of a servant-girl whom the elves liked very much, because she used to carry all dirt and foul water away from the house, and so they invited her to an Elf Wedding, at which they made her a present of some chips, which she put into her pocket. But when the bridegroom and the bride were coming home there was a straw lying in their way.

Kuni availed herself of this, and did not need to ask many questions to learn everything that she desired to know about the little begarlanded elf. She was Juliane, the young daughter of Herr Conrad Peutinger, the city clerk a girl of unusual cleverness, and a degree of learning never before found in a child eleven years old.

'Like a midsummer elf, put in Captain Gates; 'I thought you did not care about dancing. Why, you love it, you know you do! I felt my cheeks flush, as I realized how foolish I had been, and then I said, resolving to be truthful at all events, 'Well, I thought I did not care for it. I did not know till Nelly started me off how enjoyable it is still to me.