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"I am Marit, mother's little one, father's fiddle, the elf in the house, granddaughter of Ole Nordistuen of the Heide farms, four years old in the autumn, two days after the frost nights, I!" "Are you really?" he said, and drew a long breath, which he had not dared to do so long as she was speaking. "Is it yours, this goat?" asked the girl again. "Ye-es," he said, and looked up.

My poor child, what joking elf, what perverse sprite could have prompted the concluding words of your letter to me? I have made a collection of them, but out of love for you, I will not show them to you.

She drew his head down with quivering courage and bestowed a butterfly kiss upon his cheek. And then in a second she was gone from his hold, gone like a woodland elf with a tinkle of laughter and the skipping of fairy feet. Sir Eustace followed her flight with his eyes only, but in those eyes was the leaping fire of a passion that burned around her in an ever-narrowing circle.

Tommy knew the place well, for there was a fine echo there. Round the edge grew rushes and water plants, which cast a border of shadow. Tommy went to the north side, and turning himself three times, as the Old Owl had told him, he repeated the charm "Twist me, and turn me, and show me the Elf I looked in the water, and saw " Now for it! He looked in, and saw the reflection of his own face.

This, also, you will give me?” demanded the Prince with quickening breath. “Nay, I have it not,” answered the Wise One, shaking his head. “Only the Elf of the Borderland can bestow this upon you, for he alone, together with his elves, possesses the secret of its making. Moreover it must be woven in the presence of him who is to wear it; otherwise it has no power. Go to him and ask it.

Although she was afraid of the elf, she had a feeling that he meant well by her. So the next day she made haste to do as he had told her. One afternoon in July it rained frightfully up around Lake Luossajaure. The Laplanders, who lived mostly in the open during the summer, had crawled under the tent and were squatting round the fire drinking coffee.

And a strange longing for sleep took hold of Siegfried; and his eyes grew heavy, and the sound of the singing seemed dim and far away. But just as he was losing all knowledge of outward things, and his senses seemed moving in a dream, the fairies stopped dancing, and a little brown elf came up from the sea, and saluted the queen of the tiny folk.

The Wise One, hearing how his own gifts and his advice concerning the Elf of the Borderland had been the means of bringing them safely through all the dangers that had threatened them, smiled and nodded his head approvingly, as was his wont.

"Where does this air come from?" "It is pure oxygen; we manufacture it, and here is a lump of pure carbon which we also manufacture," and he laid in Leo's hand what looked like a drop of dew. It was a diamond of exquisite lustre. As Leo looked with surprise and admiration at it, an elf came staggering up to the niche. After breathing the oxygen he turned to Knops with a heart-rending cry.

"Rosebud, if a Cowslip opens three leaves in one day and four the next, how many rosy leaves will there be when the whole flower has bloomed?" "Seven," sang the gay little Elf. "Harebell, if a silkworm spin one yard of Fairy cloth in an hour, how many will it spin in a day?" "Twelve," said the Fairy child. "Primrose, where lies Violet Island?" "In the Lake of Ripples."