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Nearly all of them are sick with leprosy or elephantiasis or tuberculosis, and after the long rainy period they all have colds and coughs and suffer from rheumatism; altogether they present a sad picture of degeneration and misery, and there are few healthy men to be seen.

For the dysentery they use the bark of different trees reduced to powder and mixed with the patient's food; but this practice is in general very unsuccessful. The other diseases which prevail among the negroes are the yaws, the elephantiasis, and a leprosy of the very worst kind.

The affection is frequently bilateral, and may be associated with lymph scrotum, with elephantiasis, and with chyluria. The diagnosis is to be made from such other swellings in the groin as hernia, lipoma, or cystic pouching of the great saphenous vein. It is confirmed by finding the recently dead or dying worms in the inflamed lymph glands. Treatment.

In 1719 Prosper Alpinus wrote of it in Egypt, and the medical officers of the French army that invaded Egypt became familiar with it; since then the disease has been well known. Alard relates as a case of elephantiasis that of a lady of Berlin, mentioned in the Ephemerides of 1694, who had an abdominal tumor the lower part of which reached to the knees.

The first accurate ideas in reference to elephantiasis arabum are given by Rhazes, Haly-Abas, and Avicenna, and it is possibly on this account that the disease received the name elephantiasis arabum. The disease was afterward noticed by Forestus, Mercurialis, Kaempfer, Ludoff, and others.

If it were, elephantiasis, which causes a man's legs to become as large as tree-trunks, would be a sort of progress, whereas it is nothing but a very ugly disease. Yet directly this very disconcerting catastrophe happened, the servants of the silly Oracle began to cry: "It's no use! You can't resist progress. The big ship has come to stay." Well, let her stay on, then, in God's name!

The banks and country adjacent to Lake Bangweolo are reported to be now very muddy and very unhealthy. I have no medicine. The inhabitants suffer greatly from swelled thyroid gland or Derbyshire neck and elephantiasis, and this is the rainy season and very unsafe for me.

Of course, more or less, any agitation emanating from home must in time reach Englishmen abroad; thus the "Jumbo" wave visited these seas, and day after day, week after week, it was nothing but "Jumbo." You would have thought the whole ship's company was sickening for elephantiasis.

Both pigs came to prayers this morning.... Talolo's brother, a beautiful young boy, has elephantiasis. He has had it for a long time about a year but was afraid to tell. Worse than that has happened; one of our boys had a fit of insanity, during which it required the exertions of the entire household to restrain him from running off into the bush and losing himself.

"The worst luck I ever knew in the many years I've been here. But they're all right now. They've had everything on the list except water on the brain and elephantiasis, and they can't get them." "But some what they had they could some more get," Leah suggested in the English she so rarely used. "I think not," the official answered cheeringly. "They hardly ever do.