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With murder in my heart, I sprang after him, but he had vanished without even the bad luck of identification. Sometimes now I cannot even persuade myself that it was a human being. Crazed with jealousy and rage, blind and bestial with all the elemental passions of insulted manhood, I entered the house and sprang up the stairs to the door of my wife's chamber.

But the experience has been gained with women of a certain type and has not equipped the man to deal with his wife. Though most women know in advance what is expected of them, some are even ignorant of the most elemental facts of sex, and even those who know are unprepared for reality. Too frequently the man regards himself as a Grand Seigneur with a paramount "Jus Primis Noctis."

Silence, turning to him, but undisturbed by the interruption, "a lecture on the nature and history of magic, but can only say that an Elemental is the active force behind the elements, whether earth, air, water, or fire, it is impersonal in its essential nature, but can be focused, personified, ensouled, so to say, by those who know how by magicians, if you will for certain purposes of their own, much in the same way that steam and electricity can be harnessed by the practical man of this century.

In the later Persian system the Dualism of Zoroaster and the Magian elemental worship were jointly professed the Magi were accepted as the national priests the rights and ceremonies of the two religions were united a syncretism not unusual in the ancient world blended into one two creeds originally quite separate and distinct, but in few respects antagonistic and the name of Zoroaster being still fondly cherished in the memory of the nation, while in their practical religion Magian rites predominated, the mixed religion acquired the name, by which it was known to the later Greeks, of "the Magism of Zoroaster."

But perhaps all these comrades of mine struggled just like me and sought something new, a path in life of their own, and like me were brought by force of circumstances, society, and race by that elemental force against which man is powerless to the condition I am in," said he to himself in moments of humility; and after living some time in Moscow he no longer despised, but began to grow fond of, to respect, and to pity his comrades in destiny, as he pitied himself.

I accept your nature I don't ask you to be anything else than yourself your wild, vain, adorable self! Ashe asks you to put restraint on yourself to make painful efforts to be good for his sake the sake of something outside. I say come and look at the elemental things death and battle hatred, solitude, love.

As the colony became established beyond the fear of failure, and life fell from an artificial and self-conscious venture to be but a natural experience, as wealth increased and opportunities for relaxation and idle amusement multiplied, the elemental instincts of human nature, stronger than decrees of state, would not be denied.

"This is not that pleasure, then?" demanded the low, earnest voice, out of the darkness. "No, that pleasure has not returned." Sullenbode gripped his arm hard. "What pleasure are you speaking of?" "A presentiment of love, which I felt not long ago." "But what do you feel now?" "Calm and free." Sullenbode's face seemed like a pallid mask, hiding a slow, swelling sea of elemental passions.

Young men of his clean, rudimentary type were very definite about the things they liked and disliked, and could be trusted to reveal admiration, or lack of it, without absolute intention or actual statement. Being elemental and undismayed, they saw things cleared of the mists of social prejudice and modification.

This error arises from the fact that it can adapt itself as well to the most elevated conceptions as to the most elemental mentalities. To those who possess common sense is given the faculty of placing everything in its proper rank. It does not underestimate the value of sentiments by attributing to them an exaggerated importance.