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Murray had come downstairs for the first time, and she and Eleanor were sitting over the fire about half-past four enjoying a cosy tea, when the sound of wheels grating on the gravel was heard, and Eleanor saw a cab draw up at the front door.

It took Sary but an instant to open the package and when she beheld a ruffled organdy dress discarded by Barbara the previous season and accidentally packed in the trunk with other clothes, she rolled her eyes heavenward. "Miss Nolla! Is this fine gown'd fer me?" Eleanor stifled a laugh but Sary made as if she would clasp the girl in her powerful arms, so discretion was needed.

Daphne and Clementina looked at one another. Their eyes said "Eleanor!" But he was too full of his own intention to read that glance. Only his wife regarded him attentively. "It concerns you all," he said. He looked at Phoebe. He saw Lady Ella's hand go out and touch the girl's hand gently to make her desist. Phoebe obeyed, with a little sigh.

We are brought near to the presence of a woman of the Middle Ages when we stand beside the monument of Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I., in Westminster Abbey. The figure is lifelike and beautiful, with flowing drapery folded simply around it. The countenance, with its delicate features, wears a look of sweetness and dignity as fresh to-day as when sculptured seven hundred years ago.

Polly was sure they would see the great ranch-wagon the moment it came around the bend. They had not been seated there more than twenty minutes before Eleanor craned her neck and gazed earnestly at two dots that seemed to be crawling along the trail. Polly turned and gazed also. "Why, it's two horsemen! I wonder if Jim and Ken can be thinking of visiting us over Sunday, because Mr.

And seizing him by his arm, she clung to him with fixed tenacity, and reiterated her appeal with hysterical passion. "Promise me, promise me!" said Eleanor; "say that my father is safe one word will do. I know how true you are; say one word, and I will let you go." "I will," said he, at length; "I do. All I can do I will do."

I ran almost all the way up there. You know Chapel Hill is quite a distance from my house." "I should say so," replied Grace. "Who could have been so mean? Anne, why do you suppose " Grace stopped suddenly and stared at Anne. "Anne do you think that Eleanor could have written it?" she said slowly, as though reluctant to give voice to her suspicion. "I am afraid so," replied Anne.

He would not have it hereafter on his conscience that he had not done all that in him lay to prevent so disgraceful an alliance. It was in vain that Mrs. Grantly assured him that speaking to Eleanor angrily would only hasten such a crisis and render it certain, if at present there were any doubt. He was angry, self-willed, and sore.

It would be very difficult to explain this away; and were he to write another letter to Eleanor, telling the truth and throwing the blame on the bishop, it would naturally injure him in her estimation. He determined therefore to let that matter disclose itself as it would, and to lose no time in throwing himself at her feet.

Yes, it was real talk, quite, quite different from the loud, imperious "MIAUW!" with which Eleanor asked for her milk. This was the softest, prettiest kind of conversation, all little murmurs and chirps and sing-songs. Why, Betsy could almost understand it!