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Some instinct must have pierced Hogarth's sleep an instant before the actual blow, for while the knife was yet in him he had Harris's wrist; and the assassin fled writhing, so brisk a trick had cracked his elbow.

We may picture him in the classroom, during study hour, leaning on his left elbow and holding an open book with his right hand, while he rubs his shoes one against the other, with a mechanical movement. What is he reading? Morality in Action and in Example. His obscure desires are taking definite form.

Her fingers some of them lacerated by McTeague's teeth flew, and the little pile of cheap toys in the basket at her elbow grew steadily. "Where DO all the toys go to?" she murmured. "The thousands and thousands of these Noah's arks that I have made horses and chickens and elephants and always there never seems to be enough.

He refrained from putting an arm round her, and was rewarded by her slipping a hand under his elbow. "Shall it be a Simla wedding?" she asked in her caressing voice. "About the middle of the season? June?" "June? Yes. When I get back from Gilgit?" "But my dear! You're not going to disappear for two whole months?" "I'm afraid so. I'm awfully sorry. But I can't go back on Lance." "Oh Lance!"

"The yellow one probably killed your hair? Yes; this does very well indeed, so we need think no more about it." Thea glanced questioningly at Ottenburg. He smiled and bowed, seemed perfectly satisfied. He asked her to stand in the elbow of the piano, in front of him, instead of behind him as she had been taught to do. "Yes," said the hostess with feeling. "That other position is barbarous."

There was a pause, during which Margaret seated herself once more by the little table, while Clement Austin walked up and down the room thinking. Presently he stopped suddenly, with his elbow leaning upon the corner of the mantel-piece, opposite Margaret, and looked down at the girl's thoughtful face. She had blushed when the cashier first entered the room; but she was very pale now.

"Is it not pretty to look down upon the quiet town?" she said, coming close up to me, so that the skirt of her dress pressed me, and her elbow touched my arm. Now was the moment I should have asked her how her heart stood towards me; but I was sore and uncomfortable, and my destiny was before me.

When Halley took the sword-hilt from between his teeth, he was still inarticulate, but clung to Halley's arm, feeling it from elbow to wrist. "The Rissala! The dead Rissala! " he gasped, "It is down there!" "No; the Rissala, the very much alive Rissala. It is up here," said Halley, unshipping his watering-bridle and fastening the man's hands.

They are formed with chalk or a slate pencil firmly grasped in the fingers, and by appropriate motions of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder, not of the finger joints.

He laid down a New York paper ten days old in despair of having left any American news in it, and pushed several continental Anglo-American papers aside with his elbow, as he gave a contemptuous glance at the foreign journals, in Bohemian, Hungarian, German, French, and Italian, which littered the large table.