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It is now eight o'clock and we have about six and a half miles safe: it becomes very exciting, however, for the kinks are coming fast and furious. 'July 2. 'Twenty-eight miles safe in the hold. The ship is now so deep, that the men are to be turned out of their aft hold, and the remainder coiled there; so the good ELBA'S nose need not burrow too far into the waves.

By Tuesday morning he was at work again, fitting out cableships at Birkenhead. The hartshorn flavour of the guano becomes very strong, as I near the docks, where, across the Elba's decks, a huge vessel is discharging her cargo of the brown dust, and where huge vessels have been discharging that same cargo for the last five months."

He had tested its best inn, The Four Nations, by a good dinner in its dining-room of seven mirrors and a broken tile floor, and had some talk with its host as to their late ruler, he said Napoleon came that evening, sent at once for Elba's oldest flag, which was run up on the forts as a sign of independence.

The hartshorn flavour of the guano becomes very strong, as I near the docks where, across the ELBA'S decks, a huge vessel is discharging her cargo of the brown dust, and where huge vessels have been discharging that same cargo for the last five months. This was the walk he took his young wife on the morrow of his return.

It is now eight o'clock, and we have about six and a half miles safe: it becomes very exciting, however, for the kinks are coming fast and furious. "July 2. "Twenty-eight miles safe in the hold. The ship is now so deep that the men are to be turned out of their aft hold, and the remainder coiled there; so the good Elba's nose need not burrow too far into the waves.