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"Wot are ye givin' us?" she ejaculated in husky suspicion, opening upon him her beady eyes, in which the film of death was already gathering. "Tell me of father, my father and his family! his great-grandfather! the Atherlys, my relations what you were saying. What do you know about them?" "THAT'S all ye wanter know is it?

"The first girl you have ever spoken to!" ejaculated the other, her eyes opening to their fullest width. "Oh, come, I can't believe that." "But you are, that is to say, the very, very first real girl." The emphasis Margaret laid on the word "real" did not at the moment strike the other, who was now quite as interested in Margaret as the latter was in her.

He turned suddenly to Bob. "How long do you think it would take you with a crew of a dozen men to cut and pile the waste stuff in 18?" he inquired. Bob cast back the eye of his recollection to the hopeless tangle that cumbered the ground. "Oh, Lord!" he ejaculated; "don't ask me!"

The minute before he was in high spirits his prospects seemed excellent and his path bright. "What shall I do?" he ejaculated. "I can't tell you," said the officer. "One thing is clear you can't go to California on that ticket." Poor Joe! For the moment hope was dead within his breast.

"I ought to have put Thomas's name first my selfishness again," he ejaculated, then went on: "Give consolation to Thomas who loved his baby, and if it pleases Thee in Thy infinite wisdom and foresight, spare my dearest Barbara's life, that she may live out her days upon the earth and perhaps in her turn give life to others.

Jouffroy clapped his friend on the back with enthusiasm. "Il faut travailler," he said, "mais travailler!" He questioned Hadria minutely as to her course of study, approved it on the whole, suggesting alterations and additions. He asked to look through some more of her work. "Mon Dieu," he ejaculated, as his quick eye ran over page after page.

"Why!" ejaculated the surprised Louise, "if you all wish to see me I'd better come down, hadn't I?" and she left the window at once.

Thames glanced at the despatch, and, after a moment's reflection, inquired, "In what way is the attempt upon my life to be made?" "That I couldn't ascertain," replied Jack; "but I advise you to be upon your guard. For aught I know, they may be in the neighbourhood at this moment." "Here!" ejaculated Wood, with a look of alarm. "Oh lord! I hope not."

Time after time he would stop, and look thoughtfully about him with one hand in his pocket, and an occasionally ejaculated "H'm, h'm!" until they arrived at Mrs. Selvig's steps and green door, when he would suddenly declare that he had some "things" lying in there: he would be out again directly. Silla knew by experience what "directly" meant, and meanwhile went her own way over the yards.

"Boys," ejaculated the last-mentioned personage, with an oath, "I left off being a Massachusetts man twelve years ago. I'm with you, and you know it. Let's drink. Boys, here's to spunky little South Carolina; may she go in and win! Stranger, what'll you drink?" "I will not drink," replied a clear, manly voice, which had been silent till then.