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The indirect method is of course more difficult, and, when successfully employed, is more artistic, than the direct method. But seldom is either used to the exclusion of the other; and it would be possible to illustrate by successive quotations from any first-rate novel, like "The Egoist" for example, how the same characteristics are portrayed first by the one and then by the other method.

Perhaps by and by you will learn your mistake, and then you will acknowledge the name for it." "How?" said she. "What shall I learn?" "If you learn that I am a grisly Egoist?" "You? And it would not be egoism," added Laetitia, revealing to him at the same instant as to herself that she swung suspended on a scarce credible guess. " Will nothing pierce your ears, Mr. Whitford?"

"You are insufferable!" She fairly stamped her foot in vexation. "You are an egoist! You would play with the welfare of four million people to gratify your little personal desire for getting even!" "Steady, sis!" warned Jack. Darrow had straightened, and his indolent manner had fallen from him. "I have said I would permit no harm to come to these people, and I mean it," said he.

Only Lubov Sergievna, who, I believe, really believed me to be a great egoist, atheist, and cynic, had no love for me, but frequently disputed what I said, flew into tempers, and left me petrified with her disjointed, irrelevant utterances.

Lady Holme is an egoist a magnificent, an adorable egoist, fine enough in her brilliant selfishness to stand quite alone." "And you mean to tell us that any woman can do that?" exclaimed Pierce. "Who am I that I should pronounce a verdict upon the great mystery? What do I know of women?" "Far too much, I'm afraid," said Pierce.

In your case you felt it was not free from egoism, this strong desire?" "Your sermon made me look into my heart, and I did think that perhaps I was an egoist in my religious feeling, that I was selfishly intent on my own soul, that in my religion, if I did what I longed presently to do, I should be thinking almost solely of myself."

I have a most important lecture to prepare and I cannot find any of the notes I made upon the subject." Quest stared at the Professor for a moment and then laughed softly. "Well," he remarked, "you are rather an egoist, Professor, aren't you?" "Perhaps I am," the latter confessed.

"It's all ruined if he sticks to these horrible lines he's put in people told me I ought to have it in my contract that nothing could be changed. I was trying to make the audience see the tragedy of egoism in my play and how people get to hating an egoist. I made 'Roderick Hanscom' a disagreeable character on purpose, and oh, listen to that!"

One of the great lessons, for example, which society has to teach its members is that society exists. The child, like the animal, is a colossal egoist, not from a want of sensibility, but through his deep transcendental isolation. The mind is naturally its own world and its solipsism needs to be broken down by social influence.

Now, I would not seem so paradoxical as to say that when an extravaganza is held up to me in one hand, and a masterpiece of morality like The Egoist in the other, I can doubt which is the greater book; but there are moods in which I am jealous of the novels, and wish to be left alone with my Arabian Entertainment.