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On one occasion Lord Mulgrave, who had just been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, found a broken egg-spoon on the breakfast-table at Walmer, and asked, 'How can Mr. Pitt have such a spoon as this? 'Don't you know, retorted Lady Hester, 'that Mr. Pitt sometimes uses very slight and weak instruments wherewith to effect his ends? Again, when Mr.

I walked quietly from the room, occupied with my own bitter reflections. "You say you have two pieces of news for me?" said Nayland Smith, looking across the breakfast table to where Inspector Weymouth sat sipping coffee. "There are two points yes," replied the Scotland Yard man, whilst Smith paused, egg-spoon in hand, and fixed his keen eyes upon the speaker.

She clapped her hands with delight, and up rose such a flapping of wings that she in her turn was startled. 'You've frightened my poultry, said the old lady, smiling. 'And they've frightened me, said the princess, smiling too. 'But what very nice poultry! Are the eggs nice? 'Yes, very nice. 'What a small egg-spoon you must have! Wouldn't it be better to keep hens, and get bigger eggs?

He was now engaged in masticating the potatoes, and eggs, the latter of which he ate with a thin splinter of bog deal, which served as a substitute for an egg-spoon, and which is to-this day used among the poor for the same purpose in the remoter parts of Ireland. At length he spoke: "This won't be a good night for a bonfire anyhow." "Why, Andy, abouchal?"

"I'M not goody," said Phyllis, "but I think Bobbie's right this time." "Of course. She always is. In her own opinion," said Peter. "Oh, DON'T!" cried Roberta, putting down her egg-spoon; "don't let's be horrid to each other. I'm sure some dire calamity is happening. Don't let's make it worse!" "Who began, I should like to know?" said Peter. Roberta made an effort, and answered:

Then she stopped with an exclamation. "Mother!" "What?" "Mrs. Priestly!" "Mrs. Priestly?" "Yes." "What about her?" "She's she's in the divorce court!" Mrs. Bishop slowly laid down her egg-spoon. "Pass me the paper," she said. "Yes; just one minute. The case came on " "Dora the paper!"

'Egg, toast, tea, milk, tea-cup and saucer, egg-spoon, knife, butter that's all, I think, remarked Anthea, as she put the last touches to mother's breakfast-tray, and went, very carefully up the stairs, feeling for every step with her toes, and holding on to the tray with all her fingers. She crept into mother's room and set the tray on a chair. Then she pulled one of the blinds up very softly.

Round he turned and looked for guidance broken just a little at the pride, you could see by the lower lip. The Provost was the first to meet him eye for eye. "I have no opinion, Lachie," said the old man, snuffing rappee with the butt of an egg-spoon and spilling the brown dust in sheer nervousness over the night-shirt bulging above the band of his breeks.

I shall ask the blacksmith." "Do so," taking up my egg-spoon. Max slipped the purse into his breast-pocket and sat down. "The one fault I have to find with European life is the poor quality of tobacco used." It was eight o'clock, Thursday night, the night of the dinner at Müller's. I was dressing when Max entered, with a miserable cheroot between his teeth.

Have ready a kettle of boiling water, pour it in a pan or speeder, which is set on coals; have the eggs at hand; put a little salt in the water, and break them in, one at a time, till you get all in; let them remain till the white is set, and take them out with an egg-spoon, and put on a dish that has buttered toast on it. Fried Eggs.