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Egerton, who was in great haste, did not at first communicate to him the name of the intended bride; but he said enough of the imprudence of the marriage, and his reasons for secrecy, to bring on himself the strongest remonstrances; for Levy had always reckoned on Egerton's making a wealthy marriage, leaving to Egerton the wife, and hoping to appropriate to himself the wealth, all in the natural course of business.

The Blues were sadly disappointed, damped; the Yellows smirked and took heart. Audley Egerton's brows darkened. Harley, who was on the platform, half seen behind the front row, a quiet listener, bent over and whispered dryly to Audley, "You should have given a lesson beforehand to your clever young friend. His affection for you overpowers him!"

"I told them flatly," returned Levy, "that, as Mr. Egerton's agent, I would allow no proceedings that might vitiate the election, but that I would undertake the management of these men myself; and I am going into the town in order to do so.

Brief: Leonard resolved to follow Randal Leslie, and track all his movements. He did then follow him, unobserved, and at a distance, first to Audley Egerton's house, then to Eaton Square, thence to a house in Bruton Street, which Leonard ascertained to be Baron Levy's. Suspicious that, my clear sage?" "Diavolo, yes!" said Riccabocca, thoughtfully. "At Levy's, Randal stayed till dusk.

Mayor," said Audley, pointing to a seat, "what else would you suggest?" The mayor looked round to see that the door was closed; and then, drawing his chair close to Mr. Egerton's, laid his forefinger on that gentleman's arm, and said, "I think I speak to a man of the world, sir?" Mr. Egerton bowed, and made no reply by word, but he gently removed his arm from the touch of the forefinger.

The member hurried towards the door; and as Randal followed him, a bystander cried, "That is the young man who wrote the famous pamphlet, Egerton's relation." "Oh, indeed!" said another. "Clever man, Egerton, I am waiting for him." "So am I" "Why, you are not a constituent, as I am." "No; but he has been very kind to my nephew, and I must thank him.

But he did not even blush because he had forgotten. Many of Hugh Egerton's best moments during the last six years had been spent in dreams. In those dreams the past had lived again; for he had seen the future as once he had hoped it might be for him. But all through this night of Christmas Eve he lay awake; and no dreams had ever been as half as sweet as the thoughts that came to him then.

In Elizabethan England the pun was as great a power in the jocularity of the law-courts as it is at present; the few surviving witticisms that are supposed to exemplify Egerton's lighter mood on the bench, being for the most part feeble attempts at punning.

Brief: Leonard resolved to follow Randal Leslie, and track all his movements. He did then follow him, unobserved, and at a distance, first to Audley Egerton's house, then to Eaton Square, thence to a house in Bruton Street, which Leonard ascertained to be Baron Levy's. Suspicious that, my clear sage?" "Diavolo, yes!" said Riccabocca, thoughtfully. "At Levy's, Randal stayed till dusk.

More than once she made preparations for her departure, and then changed her mind at the last moment. Late in June we heard of Mr. Egerton's return to Cumber; and a few days after that he came to Thornleigh. Mrs. Darrell was in her own room, Milly and I alone in the drawing-room, when he called. My poor girl turned very pale, and the tears came into her eyes as she and Angus Egerton met.