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Therefore it seemed to me that everything which should or could be required for human education and instruction must be necessarily conditioned and given, by virtue of the very nature of the necessary course of his development, in man's own being, and in the relationships amidst which he is set.

By degrees the balance of power was fairly established, and even Murphy was awed into civil silence. In addition to my well known increase in personal strength, I acquired a still greater superiority over my companions by the advantage of education; and this I took great care to make them feel on every occasion.

"She doesn't know herself what she wishes to do," said my wife, dejectedly. "She is daft on the subject of books and education." "Is not that rather to her credit?" I ventured to inquire. Josephine gazed at me as though my words had stung her. "Of course it is to her credit," she replied, almost fiercely.

Before that hour was closed she had settled within her resolute little heart a plan that should henceforth put her in close communion and sympathy with mission work not exactly the plans of operation, except that kid gloves and peanuts took stern places in the background, but this was simply the foundation for a resolute system of education, carried all through her future life.

Afterwards, it may warm itself until it exhales symbols of every kind and color, speaks only through the most poetic forms; but, first and last, it must still be at bottom a biblical statement of fact. "He who will train himself to mastery in this science of persuasion must lay the emphasis of education, not on popular arts, but on character and insight.

He promised to do what he could for me, and five or six days afterwards he made me the following proposal: "He read me a letter from Calsabigi, of whom I had never heard, in which he charged him to send a virtuous young lady to Berlin. She must be of good birth, good education, and pleasant appearance, as when his aged and infirm wife died he intended to marry her.

In the latter respect he offered no competition, and it was easy to see that his natural powers had never been cultivated by education.

I couldn't make much out of it, but I read the words thorough. An' then he read 'em the Kid did. He reads just beautiful. He's got education, he has. He read it, and he talked a lot about it. Was this what you mean? Was it that we ain't really growin' old at all, we're jest goin' on, gettin' there, if we go right?

On the whole, it seems to me and to many others with whom I have talked that the next step forward that we should ask our Board of Education to take is the adoption of medical inspection. Another phase of the subject to which I desire to call your attention is that of the superintendency.

Higher incomes should make it possible for State and local governments and for individuals to support higher and more nearly adequate expenditures for education. But inequality among the States will still remain, and Federal help will still be needed.