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All I told you was give me your honor not to betray us." "I swear it," said Edouard, a little pompously. "Then Dard was not so far from the truth; it was but a guess of his, for I never trusted my own sweetheart as I now trust a stranger. But to see what I see every day, and have no one I dare breathe a word to, oh, it is very hard! But on what a thread things turn!

By the way, the sea of Jersey has more the character of a real sea than of mere straits. These temperate islands would be better called the Ocean Islands. When Edouard Pailleron was a boy and wrote poetry, he composed a letter to Victor Hugo, the address whereof was a matter of some thought. The final decision was to direct it, "A Victor Hugo, Ocean." It reached him.

At this reproach, Edouard first stared, then grinned. "I forgot that," said he. "Yes, and you forgot the moon isn't made of green cheese. However, if I saw you very humble, and very penitent, I might, perhaps, really forgive you in time." "No, forgive me at once. I don't understand your angelical, diabolical, incomprehensible sex: who on earth can? forgive me." "Oh! oh! oh! oh!"

Passions like these had never penetrated the convent walls before. While I sat dumb before them, Edouard left the room. I was conscious of his exit only in a vague way. For hours I sat in my chair beside the grate thinking, or trying to think. You can see readily that I was more than a little perplexed. In the absence of Elysee, I was director.

Edouard turned again from the fire to me. His eyes sparkled. His teeth were tight set. "Why? Why? I will tell you why, Brother Sebastian. Can you not understand how a poor hunted beast should rejoice to find shelter in such an out-of-the-way place, among such kind men, in the grave of this cloister life? I have not told you half enough.

Since the successive departures of Roland, then Madame de Montrevel and her son, and finally Sir John Roland to rejoin his general, Madame de Montrevel to place Edouard in school, and Sir John to acquaint Roland with his matrimonial plans Amelie had remained alone with Charlotte at the Chateau des Noires-Fontaines.

But she fought down the kindly feeling. "I am glad of it," said she, out of perverseness. She added after a while, "Edouard, you are naturally jealous." "Not the least in the world, Rose, I assure you. I have many faults, but jealous I am not." "Oh, yes, you are, and suspicious, too; there is something in your character that alarms me for our happiness."

Least you can do now is to marry Helena and the old girl, too, right off!" "In part, that is good advice," said I. "I wish I could wear your clothes, Cal but I remember now that Edouard and I can wear the same clothes, and have, many a time." "But I say, don't be so hoggish. There's other people in the world beside you you'd never have thought of making that river cruise, now would you?" "No."

Edouard Benes, the general secretary of the Czecho-Slovak National Council in Paris: "At the moment when the 21st Regiment of Chasseurs, the first unit of the autonomous Czecho-Slovak army in France, after receiving its flag, is leaving its quarters to take up its position in a sector amongst its French brothers-in-arms, the Republican Government, in recognition of your efforts and your attachment to the Allied cause, considers it just and necessary to proclaim the right of your nation to its independence and to recognise publicly and officially the National Council as the supreme organ of its general interests and the first step towards a future Czecho-Slovak Government.

"All my fault, all," said Rose; then putting her pretty palms together, and casting a look of abject supplication on Edouard, she murmured, "my temper!" "Do not you put words into his mouth," said the shrewd old lady. "Come, Monsieur Riviere, be a man, and tell me the truth. What has she said to you? What has she done?"