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They appointed an hour and place of meeting, and kept to it, after which Mrs. Edmonstone took Guy with her to call on Mrs. Deane, the wife of the colonel. It was currently believed among the young Edmonstones that Mamma and Mrs. Deane never met without talking over Mr. Morville's good qualities, and the present visit proved no exception. Mrs.

It would have been a very dangerous experiment to send him at once among the temptations of Oxford, after such discipline and solitude as he has been used to. 'Don't talk of it, interrupted Mr. Edmonstone, spreading out his hands in a deprecating manner. 'We must do the best we can with him, for I have got him on my hands till he is five-and-twenty his grandfather has tied him up till then.

It was a relief to hear, at length, that the travellers had landed, and would be at home in the evening, not till late, wrote Mrs. Edmonstone, because she thought it best for Amabel to go at once to her room, her own old room, for she particularly wished not to be moved from it.

There was Laura being completed by the lady's maid, Amabel embellishing Mary, Mrs. Edmonstone with her arm loaded with shawls, Charlotte flourishing about. Poor Mary it was much against her will but she had no heart to refuse the wreath of geraniums that Amy's own hands had woven for her; and there she sat, passive as a doll, though in despair at their all waiting for her.

Edmonstone, with his intense delight in lovers, patronized them, and made commonplace jokes, which they soon learnt to bear without much discomposure. Mrs. Edmonstone was all that her constant appellation of 'mamma' betokened, delighting in Guy's having learnt to call her so.

Edmonstone left the room in tears. Amabel went up to the window, looked long at the chestnut-tree, then up into the sky, sat down, and leant her forehead on her hand in meditation, until she rose up, cheered and sustained, as if she had been holding council with her husband. She did not over-estimate Philip's sufferings from suspense and anxiety.

Edmonstone, 'the instant my back is turned. Thereupon the family fell into a discussion of home affairs, and thought little more of their silent guest. The hues of bliss more brightly glow Chastised by sober tints of woe. 'What use shall I make of him? said Charles to himself, as he studied Sir Guy Morville, who sat by the table, with a book in his hand.

However, at last the meaning bolted out in one comprehensive sentence, when Mr. Edmonstone thought he had sufficiently prepared him for his disappointment, 'Poor Amy is to be confined in the spring. There Mr. Edmonstone stopped short, very much afraid of the effect; but Philip raised himself, his face brightened, as if he was greatly relieved, and from his heart he exclaimed, 'Thank Heaven!

She seemed to be her aunt, without the softness and motherly affection, coupled with the touch of naivete that gave Mrs. Edmonstone her freshness, and loveableness; and her likeness to her brother included that decided, self-reliant air, which became him well enough, but which did not sit as appropriately on a woman.

Those two little angels, what faces they have. Perfect innocence one full of reasoning, the other of unreasoning adoration! 'I see it! suddenly exclaimed Mrs. Edmonstone; 'I see what you are like in one of your looks, not by any means, in all it is to the larger of those two angels.