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He also wrote a letter dated Dec. 1, 1832, to Gay Lussac, who was then one of the editors of the 'Annales de Chimie, in which he analysed the results of the Italian philosophers, pointing out their errors, and defending himself from what he regarded as imputations on his character.

They also controlled the main sources through which the press was supplied with news and often and well they had used this control, and surprisingly cautious had they been not so to abuse it that the editors and the public would become suspicious.

The havoc, which the Roman editors were compelled in deference to their audience to make in the originals, drove them inevitably into methods of cancelling and amalgamating incompatible with any artistic construction.

For that matter, perhaps the editors and publishers never would give the public an opportunity to see my work at all! I dragged a heavy load up the steps and swung it to the veranda, and there stood almost paralysed.

The Northern Review took his essay, "The Cradle of Beauty," and Mackintosh's Magazine took "The Palmist" the poem he had written to Marian. The editors and readers were back from their summer vacations, and manuscripts were being handled quickly. But Martin could not puzzle out what strange whim animated them to this general acceptance of the things they had persistently rejected for two years.

He saw, too, that the average popular magazine of 1889 failed of large success because it wrote down to the public a grievous mistake that so many editors have made and still make.

They established personal acquaintance with the editors and owners of the fifteen daily papers; answered the anti-suffrage letters published; communicated with the editors of 683 trade journals, 21 religious papers, 126 foreign language papers and many others 893 in all and offered them exclusive articles; they suggested special features for magazines and planned suffrage covers; they secured space for a suffrage calendar in every daily paper.

"I'll speak to my nephew Finot," he said. "You see, Philippe, the reign of phrases and quill-drivers is upon us; we may as well submit. To-day, scribblers are paramount. Ink has ousted gunpowder, and talk takes the place of shot. After all, these little toads of editors are pretty good fellows, and very clever.

The beginner must, for her encouragement and solace under rebuffs, grasp firmly the fact that the immense majority of London editors are not merely willing but in truth anxious to peruse such manuscripts as she cares to submit to their notice, and to accept them if suitable.

The world of beggarly rabble, to whatever extent the Roman editors might take possession of it under the benefit of the inventory, presented in Rome a forlorn and strange aspect, shorn as it were of its delicate characteristics: comedy no longer rested on the basis of reality, but persons and incidents seemed capriciously or carelessly mingled as in a game of cards; in the original a picture from life, it became in the reproduction a caricature.