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"We don't have to go out very much just now," said Paul, "and if we only had two or three books here, we could pass the time very pleasantly." "That's so," said Shif'less Sol musingly. "You an' me, Paul, wuz intended to be eddicated men. Ez fur Jim Hart here, he's that dull he'd take more pride in cookin' in a stone furnace than in writin' the finest book in the world."

This set her off into fits of laughing; and having regained her good spirits, she declared that "she wouldn't have, no, not a young squire himself, unless he were eddicated accordingly;" and this, it was evident could only be brought about through the good offices of a tutor. But neither her magnanimity nor my unreasonable objections were put to the test just then.

A feller gets lazy out hyar an' dreamy, an' he wants to put off work till to-morrow. Some folks say it's a land of manana a land of to-morrow. Thet's the Mexican of it. "But I like best to think of what a lady said to me onct an eddicated lady like you, Miss Majesty. Wal, she said it's a land where it's always afternoon. I liked thet.

"Ha! too well eddicated, I suppose. Well, 'tis a queer kettle o' fish, but so's life, yet, though heaviness endure for a night, j'y cometh in the morning, and mind, I'm your friend if you're so minded. And now, what I says is let's to sleep, for I must be early abroad."

Females is like a rabbit in a bush- pile; you has to shake things up a lot to make 'em come out. Now, if Jim is dyin' an' she cares for him, she's shorely goin' to show her hand. "I wants to pause right yere to observe that Doc Peets is the best- eddicated sharp I ever encounters in my life. An' what he don't know about squaws is valueless as information. But to go on with the deal.

The reference to the play reminded John of a duty to perform. "Miss King told me, Amarilly, that you want to go on the stage when you grow up." "I did plan to go on, but she said when I got eddicated, I might hear of other things to do things I'd like better. So mebby I'll change my mind." A beautiful smile lightened John's dark eyes. "She, was right, Amarilly.

"You're eddicated," Lem replied, with a tactful attempt to cover up a deficiency; "you're a gentleman, ef you do keep store." Lemuel apparently thought that gentlemen and politics were contradictions. He began to whistle, while Wetherell sat and wondered that any one could be so care-free on such a mission. The day faded, and went out, and the lights of Harwich twinkled in the valley.

He hain't be'n eddicated a great deal, but I wouldn't be afeard to warrant he'd make a racket in the world some of these days." "Jock Hallowell!" cried Cynthia, the gray beginning to dance, "I suppose you think Jethro's going to be President." "All right," said Jock, "you can laugh. Ever talked with Jethro?" "I've hardly spoken two words to him in my life," she replied.

But what's the use of talking of it, it only riles me. The blue-eyed man lay back in his seat, and his head sank on his chest. He looked as if he were going to sleep again, but on Hubert's asking him to explain his troubles, he leaned across the table. 'Well, I'll tell yer. Yer be an eddicated man, and I likes to talk to them that 'as 'ad an eddication.

Brimberly, "we 'ave enough port in our cellars to drownd every sorrer an' care in Noo York City. I'm proud of our port, sir, and I'm reckoned a bit of a connysoor " "Ah, it takes a eddicated palate to appreciate good port!" nodded Mr. Jenkins loftily, "a eddicated palate what?" "Cert'nly!" added Mr.