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Time went by, and I returned to Raxton. Just when I had determined that, come what would, I would go into Wales, Wynne one day told me that Winnie was coming to live with him at Raxton, her aunt having lately died. 'The English lady, said he, 'who lived with them so long and eddicated Winifred, has gone to live at Carnarvon to get the sea air. This news was at once a joy and a perplexity.

I was about to interrupt, but Polly Ann's next remark arrested me. "Tom," said she, "he oughter be eddicated." "Eddicated!" exclaimed Tom, with a kind of dismay. "Yes, eddicated," she repeated. "He ain't like you and me. He's different. He oughter be a lawyer, or somethin'." Tom reflected. "Ay," he answered, "the Colonel says that same thing. He oughter be sent over the mountain to git l'arnin'."

He likes to talk to me, though he's a highly eddicated man and I'm only an ignorant old sailor, because he's one of the folks that's GOT to talk or they're miserable, and he finds listeners scarce around here. The Glen folks fight shy of him because they think he's an infidel. He ain't that far gone exactly few men is, I reckon but he's what you might call a heretic.

"No; but she," with a wave of her hand toward the swiftly gliding electric, "is agoin to help me git eddicated, and she has give me a beautiful rug fer the Boarder, and we're agoin' to hev her waists to wash, and Mr. St. Mark's clo'es, and she told all the scholars to sew like me 'cause' I sewed the best, and I've larned how to set our table.

"You're eddicated," Lem replied, with a tactful attempt to cover up a deficiency; "you're a gentleman, ef you do keep store." Lemuel apparently thought that gentlemen and politics were contradictions. He began to whistle, while Wetherell sat and wondered that any one could be so care-free on such a mission. The day faded, and went out, and the lights of Harwich twinkled in the valley.

"Why the fust white man that ever come through these parts found the woods full uv 'em. I take a heap from you, Paul, 'cause you're an eddicated boy, but I can't swaller this." "I'll prove it to you some day," said Paul laughing, "but whether you believe me or not this place suits us." "How much venison have we got, Tom?" asked Henry. "'Nough in a pinch to last three days."

Fancy never telling me a word about 'er brother all these years me as 'as fed her, and clothed her, and lodged her, and kepper out of all mischief, as if she'd bin my own daughter; never let her go out Bankhollidayin' in loose company as you can bear witness yourself, sir and eddicated 'er out of 'er country talk and rough ways, and made 'er the smart young woman she is, fit to wait on the most troublesome of gentlemen.

I've allus told you, Paul, that you an' me wuz superior to our surroundings. Ef Jim Hart wuz locked up in a schoolhouse all his life he'd never be an eddicated man, while ez fur me, I'm one without ever gittin' a chance, jest because it's in my natur'." Paul laughed at them both, and drew a little closer to the bed of red coals.

Monkey ducked his head and patted the back of it. "Never!" cried Joses. The other raised a deprecatory hand and turned away. "You know best, o' course, Mr. Joses," he said. "You've the run o' Putnam's same as me. And you're an eddicated man from Oxford College, where they knows all there is to know." He was limping away. Joses hung on his heels. "Steady on, old sport," he said. "D'you mean that?"

They'll listen to you, because you're eddicated." "I don't know anything about politics," answered Wetherell, with an appealing glance at the silent group, group that was always there. Rias Richardson, who had donned the carpet slippers preparatory to tending store for the day, shuffled inside. Deacon Lysander, his father, would not have done so.