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Then, one day, there had been a great chattering about the warm cup of milkweed fiber and thistle-down in the elder-bush, husky cheeping from the nest mingling with the joyous chirps of the mother-bird as she tilted and danced on its edge or fluttered ecstatically above it; and from the end of a swaying twig close by had swelled the proud song of the male. The big egg had hatched.

Mary jumped to her feet and clasped her hand ecstatically. "Oh, Molly, I am so glad. Aren't you?" "Yes, I am except for one thing; I know I shall be scared to death of Miss Sharp. Is she really so very, very strict?" "My word! but you'd think so.

Hare-Lip rubbed his bullet head reminiscently, and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about Vesta, the squaw of the founder of the Chauffeur Tribe. "And so I say to you that you cannot understand the awfulness of the situation. The Chauffeur was a servant, understand, a servant. And he cringed, with bowed head, to such as she.

Worthington would never be content to be a little anything. So he had been judged twice in an afternoon, once by Jethro and again by Cynthia. "Why don't you believe me?" he asked ecstatically. "A woman's instinct, Mr. Worthington, has very little reason in it."

"I'm in dead earnest." "Has it occured to you that the Doraine is lying out there in the harbour Here! Look out! I don't like being hugged by " "My gosh, A. A! Oh, my gosh!" barked the ecstatic bridegroom-apparent. "How did you happen to think of such a beautiful, wonderful " "How did I happen to think of it?" shouted Percival, just as ecstatically.

The wedding had been quite an affair and presents had come from the Duke and Duchess of Nevers, from the Marchioness of Londonderry and from the Countess of Dudley. It had all been so wonderful and romantic! Then they had gone on their wedding journey and had been ecstatically happy. In Chicago, they had been received with open arms.

"Thank you," said Kettle, with a cock of the head, "but I take presents from no one. What bit of a living I get, your ladyship, I earn." "I do not onderstand. But you are sailor. You have ship. You wish cargo?" Captain Kettle snapped his fingers ecstatically. "Now, ma'am, there you've hit it. Cargo's what I do want.

Monsieur Cadron was an artist, and his branch of art was hair-dressing. It was by his own wish he was here to-day, since he had conceived a new coiffure especially adapted, he declared, to the type of Madame Spence. Behold him declaring ecstatically that seldom in his experience had he had such hairs to work with. "Avec une telle chevelure, l'on peut tout faire, madame.

That is great nonsense that I have been telling Blanche, but it is a great deal more serious than most of what we say in society." "I wish you would talk to me, then, as if I were Blanche's age," said Newman, laughing. "Were you happy at your ball, the other night?" "Ecstatically!" "Now you are talking the nonsense that we talk in society," said Newman. "I don't believe that."

For a long, quiet, blissful moment, she lay smiling at the spot where the sunlight, streaming level through the lace-curtained window, fell on the rose-flowered chintz of the valances. Missy liked those colours very much; then her eyes followed the beam of light to where it spun a prism of fairy colours on the mirror above the high-boy, and she liked that ecstatically.