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This said man had had for a father a Tryballot, who was in his lifetime a skilled artisan, so economical and careful, that he left considerable wealth to his son.

We are guided in economical, political, and international questions by the principles which were appropriate to men of three or five thousand years ago, though they are directly opposed to our conscience and the conditions of life in which we are placed to-day.

In this case, how much wiser it would have been to have taught the girls in this community sewing, intelligent and economical cooking, housekeeping, something of dairying and horticulture?

Those who cheat us will die poorer than we shall, if we are honest and economical. I have observed that people are seldom ruined by the vices of others; these may hurt them, of course; but it is only their own faults and follies that can destroy them." "Ah! Christie," said Rosa, "you are a man! Oh, the comfort of being married to A MAN. A man sees the best side. I do adore men.

Wax, tallow, and oil, are combustible gases in a solid or fluid form, which offer many advantages for lighting, not possessed by gas: they furnish, in well-constructed lamps, as much light, without requiring the expensive apparatus necessary for the combustion of gas, and they are generally more economical.

He reflected that in the ordinary course of affixing them to the envelope he would put them to his lips in any case. It was not sense to do the same piece of work twice over. Jona. Should he, or shouldn't he? He knew that he shouldn't. Mabel would not like it. He ought to put Jona out of his mind, and to burn those stamps. But that was not economical.

Taiping rebellion Tanaka, Gen. Taonanfu administration Tariff reformation Tax collection Tayeh iron mines Tibet, independence of recognized by Russia Tieh Liang Tientsin rebellion of the Military Governors Tong Kwan Palace, the battle at Tong Shao-yi Treaty of Shimonoseki Treaty-ports, economical effects of Tsao-ao, Gen.

All the laws of our nature, affectional, economical, and intellectual, would prevent us from treating him as we treat our fellow-men, that is, according to reason, justice, and equite. I infer from this that, if God should wish ever to put himself into immediate communication with man, he would have to become a man.

They were as economical of the smallest scraps of possible usefulness as a French cook of the smallest scraps and leavings of food. Everything was turned to account. Nothing was wasted. Even the mosquitoes in Germany were not wasted.

One of the rules on the killing beds was that a man who was one minute late was docked an hour; and this was economical, for he was made to work the balance of the hour he was not allowed to stand round and wait. And on the other hand if he came ahead of time he got no pay for that though often the bosses would start up the gang ten or fifteen minutes before the whistle.