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Her whole aspect changed; she lit a cigarette and hummed a tune, while she fingered a key which dangled from her bracelet. No one eclipsed Madame Boleski in that distinguished crowd later on. Her clinging silver brocade, and the one red rose at the edge of the extreme decolletage, were simply the perfection of art.

"You'd better vanish," suggested the Captain. "Your popularity is momentarily eclipsed." "Damn the fellows," said Kilshaw. "They may storm the place if they like I'll not move." Matters were indeed becoming somewhat critical, when a loud shout was heard from in front of the Hall. The crowd forgot Kilshaw, forgot Mr. Todd, and rushed across the road. The first result was up!

He and his uncle shook hands manfully, at the full outstretch of their arms, in a way so like them, to Rosamund's thinking that is, in a way so unlike any other possible couple of men so situated that the humour of the sight eclipsed all the pleasantries of Captain Baskelett.

The third day of his arrest, they were all seated there on the piazza, while Ray sat at his open window, and Hogan, his orderly, had led Dandy around to the front, and the pretty sorrel the light of his master's eyes until eclipsed by one before which even Dandy's paled its ineffectual fire was cropping the juicy herbage in the little grass plat in front of the piazza and being fed with loaf-sugar by delicate hands.

Under her vigorous sway Austria, from the very brink of ruin, was elevated to a degree of splendor and power it had never attained before. These conflicts and victories inspired Maria with a haughty and imperious spirit, and the loveliness of the female character was lost amid the pomp of martial achievements. The proud sovereign eclipsed the woman.

It is for this reason we do not find expressions of moral and spiritual nature in lower animals or in those human beings who live like them. Man is the only animal in whom such perfect expressions of moral and spiritual nature are possible. When the individual soul begins to study its spiritual nature, its lower or animal nature is gradually eclipsed.

The oracle of Dodona long, however, maintained its pre-eminence over the rest, and was only at last eclipsed by that of Delphi , where strong and intoxicating exhalations from a neighbouring stream were supposed to confer prophetic phrensy.

Her eyes full of sudden tears, her lip shaking, she could only bow and bow again, and then, just as her smile threatened to become entirely eclipsed, she managed a husky "Thank you all so much!" and descended the steps rapidly, to slip into her chair between Barry and George Carew.

The young king perished in the disastrous expedition against Morocco, and with him expired the royal house of Portugal. The independence of the nation was lost, her glory eclipsed, and the future pregnant with calamity and disgrace. Camoens, who had so nobly supported his own misfortunes, sank under those of his country.

And the impression of coldness was largely due, doubtless, to the tranquillity and propriety of his appearance and manner. The most generally popular of his successors at the piano in this country was undoubtedly Gottschalk, who was here quite as early as Thalberg, whose fame eclipsed all others. Upon his arrival Gottschalk played privately at a small party.