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Whereby was it plainly given to be understood that the darkness of night obscured not Patrick, the son of life, the inhabiter of eternal brightness, while the night was to him the illumination of his joys, while he ascended unto the light without spot, the day without night, the sun without eclipse.

A member of an advance party of an eclipse expedition arriving in Spitzbergen at this period, and paying a visit to Andree for the purpose of taking him letters, wrote: "We watched him deal out the letters to his men. They are all volunteers and include seven sea captains, a lawyer, and other people some forty in all.

This was the Nat Turner rebellion in Virginia, a negro uprising under the leadership of a genuine African slave who knew the Bible by heart, who claimed to have communication with the Holy Spirit, and who finally employed an eclipse of the sun as a sign to his followers that they were to arise and slay their masters.

Total eclipse of the moon last night. At 7.30 it began to go off. At total or about that it was like a rich rosy cloud with a tumbled surface framed in the circle and projecting from it a bulge of strawberry-ice, so to speak. At half-eclipse the moon was like a gilded acorn in its cup. Sept. 5. Closing in on the equator this noon.

"And you no longer regret, then, that I did not give you these bracelets, as I at first intended to do?" "Oh, no, no!" "Very well; make yourself look as beautiful as possible that our supper may be very brilliant; the gayer you seem, the more charming you appear, and you will eclipse all the ladies present as much by your brilliancy as by your rank." Maria Theresa left full of delight.

There's only one choice open to us whether we bear it badly or well." But Sophie's endurance was broken by weeks of suffering, and her bright spirit was momentarily under an eclipse. "Everybody doesn't have to bear them! Things are so horribly uneven," she cried grudgingly.

An eclipse happening on the 15th day, the king of Dilmun is slain, and some one seizes the throne. An eclipse happening on the 16th day, the king is deposed and slain, and a worthless person seizes the throne. An eclipse happening on the 20th day, rains descend from heaven, and the canals are flooded. An eclipse happening on the 21st day, sorrow and despair in the land.

I knew that the only total eclipse of the sun in the first half of the sixth century occurred on the 21st of June, A.D. 528, O.S., and began at 3 minutes after 12 noon. I also knew that no total eclipse of the sun was due in what to me was the present year i.e., 1879.

The famous shawls which fetched such prices in England in early Victorian days are no longer valued, having suffered an eclipse similar to that undergone by the pictures of certain early Victorian Royal Academicians, and the loss of the shawl trade was a severe blow to Kashmir.

They who on earth are as 'the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day, shall, beyond the shadow of eclipse, shine on as the sun does, behind the opaque, intervening body, all unconscious of what looks to mortal eyes on earth an eclipse, and 'shall blaze out like the sun in their Heavenly Father's kingdom. For all that we know and are taught by experience, religious and moral distinctions are eternal.