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We will talk about my eccentricity later. Here is Cyrus." Kilfane was standing in the entrance to the stage door of the theatre at which he was playing. As the car drew up he lifted two leather grips on to the step, and Mareno, descending, took charge of them. "Come along, Mollie," said Kilfane, looking back. Miss Gretna, very excited, ran out and got into the car beside Rita.

"Yes," she continued, "I will not disguise that there was a time about a year ago when I felt very anxious in regard to you. Eccentricity, as I have often told you before, is all very well when one has nothing to lose and everything to gain by it.

"I've never met anybody just like you," she said to Marjory as they walked across the park, "and I want to know all about you and your belongings, and above all, I ache to find out what is in that forbidden room, and why you mustn't go into it." This was a sore subject with Marjory. She felt more than half ashamed of her uncle's eccentricity in this matter.

"Why, how was that?" asked Ezra, without turning towards him. "Her own note had been taken away before I got the book." Reuben felt himself on dangerous ground. It was unpleasant to have to talk of these things, and it looked impossible to reveal Rachel's eccentricity to Ezra, knowing what he knew. "Ah!" said Ezra, absent-mindedly. "You read the letter then!" He went on pacing up and down.

The Cossacks rowed swiftly on in the narrow double-ruddered boats rowed stoutly, carefully shunning the sand bars, and cleaving the ranks of the birds, which took wing rowed, and talked of their hetman. Thoma Grigroovitch had one very strange eccentricity: to the day of his death he never liked to tell the same thing twice.

Nature makes some compensation for this lowness by an eccentricity of indentation which looks very picturesque on the map, and sometimes striking, as where Lynn stretches out a slender arm with knobby Nahant at the end, like a New Zealand war club. We sit and watch this shore as we glide by with a placid delight.

I went up the high, narrow stairs, thoughtfully to my small room under the eaves, dark with the storm, and smelling of must and dampness. I smiled a little. It was more than probable that these people would count slight eccentricity in a lady and this was undoubtedly a lady, whatever her birth and surroundings as madness. After dinner I stood by the window a long time.

Peyel does, let him not alter one iota of the original Scottish airs; I mean in the song department; but let our national music preserve its native features. They are, I own, frequently wild, and irreducible to the more modern rules; but on that very eccentricity, perhaps, depends a great part of their effect. June 1793.

This picture still hangs in the portrait gallery of Raxton Hall. As a child it had an immense attraction for me, and no wonder, for it was original to actual eccentricity.

I am conscious that my beautiful nun sinned against womanly reserve and modesty, the two most beautiful appanages of the fair sex, but if that unique, or at least rare, woman was guilty of an eccentricity which I then thought a virtue, she was at all events exempt from that fearful venom called jealousy an unhappy passion which devours the miserable being who is labouring under it, and destroys the love that gave it birth.