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She say Virginia pretty good, but dat South Callina tek de cake. She say South Callina mek 'em run ebery time! Yaas'm! 'n' I gits up 'n' I meks her er curtsy, 'n' I say ter her, 'Dat's er pretty way ter talk when you're visitin' in Virginia, 'n' ef dat's South Callina manners I'se glad I wuz born in Virginia! Yaas'm.

He wish dat one day when dey flog him dey had kill him altogether; den all de trouble at an end. Dey hunt him ebery day with dogs and guns, and soon they catch him. No can go on much longer like dis. To-day me nearly gib myself up. Den me thought me like to see Dinah once more to say good-by, so make great effort and ran a bit furder."

Mose times I find de best ting am to put a little laudabun in my mouf, and a little on bit of rag and put him outside. De best ting would be for you to gib me little bottle of him; den when de pain come on I could jess take him, and not be troubling you ebery day. And Sam, jus you whisper I got hold of a little good stuff. You gib me tin mug; me share what I hab got wid you."

"It only was a few days ago," replied Elsy, "and Auntie come here ebery day, but you and Miss Emma was not at home ebery time, and she only tole me about it dis mornin." "Are you certain that the woman who has been carried to jail is your Mistress?" asked Dr. Humphries. "No sah," she answered, "Auntie say dat de name am different, but dat de name ob de leetle gal am de same."

"Hoss-radish! yah, yah, yah! Why, Massa, whar under the sun does you suppose now I could git hoss-radish, on board ob dis 'Black Hawk? De sea broke into my garden de oder night, and kill ebery created ting in it. Lord a massy, Massa, you know dis is notin' but a fishin'-craft, salt pork and taters one day, and salt beef and taters next day, den twice laid for third day, and den begin agin.

We am all on guard. De captain say, put two on guard at de shed and let de oders relieb dem ebery hour. So dey shall; but dose off duty must watch just the same. When it gets dark we get close up, so as to be ready to jump in directly we hear a stir. Dis fellow no fool us." "Dat's the way, Sergeant Newson, dat am de way. Neber close your eye, but keep a sharp look on dem.

Now I axes ebery one ob you all wot know de Scripters ef he don' 'member how de Bible tells how our Lor' when he was on dis yearth cas' seben debbils out o' Mary Magdalum?" A murmur of assent came from the congregation. Most of them remembered that. "But did enny ob you ebber read, or hab read to you, dat he ebber cas' 'em out o'enny udder woman?"

"Yes'm; I heahs, Miss Peggy," answered the black rising, and giving her young mistress a keen glance. "I heahs, an' I'se gwine. Dem wood boxes am full, ebery one of dem, but I'se gwine. Ef yer want ter talk secrets yer might hab tole ole Sukey widouten makin' a 'scuse ter git rid ob hur." "Oh, Sukey, forgive me," cried Peggy laughing in spite of her anxiety to get rid of the black.

Golly! de be ebery one fat as 'possum! "I was thinking whether I might not creep a little closer to them, when, to our surprise, the animals, instead of starting off into the woods again, came several paces nearer, and again halted, tossing up their heads with a snort similar to that which they had uttered before.

The Doctor himself had in person gone from house to house, raising the sum for his redemption; and when more yet was wanting, supplied it by paying half his last quarter's limited salary. "He do dat ar'?" said Candace, dropping the fork wherewith she was spearing doughnuts. "Den I'm gwine to b'liebe ebery word he does!"