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"Depend upon it," said Trevalyon laughing, "Dick will receive a letter from Bob, that, 'there's nothing like feeding." Here Eau Clair joined them, having missed Vaura from the ball-room. "Have you seen the Claytons this evening, Vaura?" enquired Lady Esmondet. "Yes, god-mother mine, and dancing with vigour and a sublime indifference to time that was amusing."

Sitting before the toilet-table, her reflection in the great, oval mirror pleased her. "Which shall I wear?" "That depends upon the length of time madame proposes to stay here. The black dress might be worn on several occasions with impunity. The peacock brocade, the eau de Nil, the crocus yellow, but once twice at the uttermost. They are ravishing costumes, but wanting in repose.

The doctor himself brought Phoebe a tray of lunch. She was ravenously hungry. "The poor little thing hasn't eaten for hours," he thought, glancing at her covertly, as he returned with a basin of water, a soft towel and Miss Campbell's private bottle of eau de cologne. When she had finished eating, he made her stretch out on the divan while he gave her face and hands and wrists an aromatic bath.

Near the little village of Friga I tasted an agua agria, a natural sodawater, which the people hold to be of sovereign value for beast as well as man. It increases digestion and makes happy mothers, like the fountain of Villaflor on the Tenerifan 'Pike '-slope. I found it resembling an eau gazeuse left in the open all night.

And the dark hair which closely covered his well-shaped head was drenched with eau de quinine. Gillier was not a gentleman. His father was a small vinegrower and cultivator, who had been rather disgusted by the fugues of his eldest son, but who was now resigned to the latter's étranges folies.

You are dead, years and years ago, poor John so patient, so friendly, so kind, so cheerful to the invalid in the fever. But confess, now, wherever you are, that seventeen pounds of sugar to make six glasses of eau sucree was a LITTLE too strong, wasn't it, John? Ah, how frankly, how trustily, how bravely he lied, poor John!

Then they would recline under the shade of the wild bandanna-tree, I know this vegetable only through the artless poetry of the negro minstrels, while sleek and sprightly negresses, decked with innocent finery, served them beakers of iced eau sucré. As I was shaping this Arcadian vision, Mr. Mellasys passed me on his way to the bar-room. I hastened to follow, without the appearance of intention.

Madame F gave me a glass of water in which she put some Eau des carmes which instantly acted as a violent emetic. Two or three minutes after I felt better, and asked for something to eat. Madame F smiled. The servant came in with the broth and the eggs, and while I was eating I told the history of Pandolfin.

There and, as if he had the sole right to her, he arranged the cushions, placed her on the sofa, and hung over her to chafe her hands, and bathe her forehead with eau de Cologne; while, as he detected signs of hasty preparations about the room, he added, 'Don't trouble yourself with your arrangements; I will see about all I can to help you. Only rest, and cure your head.

Changed his suit now before coming home, behind a screen in his office, and, feeling foolish, went out and purchased a bottle of violet eau de Cologne, which he rubbed into his palms and for some inexplicable reason on his half-bald spot.