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"But the girls are not much to boast of. That Miss Vanderhoff is positively homely." "Do you think so? I know she has no special beauty to attract one, but she looks bright and good-tempered, I'm sure, and I like her voice, don't you?" "Not too well. Those American voices are not to my taste. They threaten my ear-drums." "Do you call hers sharp, though, Mrs. Campbell?

A roar of cannon seemed to tear their ear-drums another and another everywhere about them. With one mind five hundred imaginative workmen dropped their weapons from nerveless hands and fled, bumping, tumbling, fighting each other. A voiceless flow of chaotic clamour marked their course toward the camp. Koppy, teeth gnashing, threw up his hands and slunk into the darkness.

The bare wood of the desk aggravated the sound, and, in the stillness of the little room, the noise pounded exasperatingly on the ear-drums. From time to time he turned his great head, and his lashless eyes peered over at the paper dial of the clock. Once or twice he stirred with a suggestion of impatience.

Ken had one glimpse of the tall figure towering over him, one hand raised high overhead. Then the arm flashed forward as Roy dashed the grenade full into the centre of the pit. There followed a stunning report a noise so loud that Ken felt as though his very ear-drums were cracked. At the same time Horan staggered back off the parapet, and the quick-firer ceased firing.

He was stone deaf, having had his ear-drums destroyed in the boiler explosion which had wrecked the rest of him. I noticed the steward, standing at the galley door and watching the men from a distance. His keen, Asiatic face, quick with intelligence, was a relief to the eye, as was the vivid face of Shorty, who came out of the forecastle with a leap and a gurgle of laughter.

Heretofore he had been working wholly with his fingers, his ear-drums, and his vocal cords; he determined henceforth to exercise his intelligence, if he had any. It was indeed high time, for Miss Harris was undoubtedly slipping away, lured by luxuries no clerk could afford, and, moreover, he, Mitchell, was growing old; in a scant two years he would be able to vote.

But no matter these Indians aren't any more account than prairie-dogs." They rode on slowly, the funeral-drum sounding nearer as they went. Then far up the meadow by the roadside they could see the hard, square lines of the cross in the moonlight. Slower still they went, while the drumbeats became louder, until they seemed to fall upon their own ear-drums.

The woods seemed very solemn to Rolf that historic September night, as he strode along at speed, stopping now and again when he thought he heard some signal, and opened wide his mouth to relieve his ear-drums of the heart-beat or to still the rushing of his breath. In half an hour he reached the high-road. It was deserted. Then he heard a cry of the barred owl: Wa wah wa wah Wa wah wa hooooo-aw.

"Obsidian is a volcanic rock a sort of combination of glass and flint for hardness," Tom explained. "It is brittle, black in color, and the natives of the Admiralty Islands use it for tipping their spears with which they slay victims for their cannibalistic feasts." "Bless my bless my ear-drums!" gasped Mr. Damon. "Cannibals!"