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The enemy must retreat; I shall profit by it, and when I have gained a great battle over him, I can impose my own terms; I have then conquered an HONORABLE peace for France one that we can subscribe to without blushing. Ah, I see a brilliant future! It is time to begin. My eagles are ascending; they are not ravens or bats they are soaring to the sun."

Three of you, too! Verily, 'wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together," and the patient laughed again, as though tickled at her own grim pleasantry. Dorcas would have expostulated and explained and apologized, but her mistress cut her short with a sharp tap of her fan. "Little fool, hold thy peace! as though I didn't know an honest face when I see it!

'Let us eat now, and she sat down, and the man with her, and they ate of the fruits and nuts she had gathered along the way and carried in her white gown. "While they ate, a pair of great eagles circled slowly downward out of the blue sky, nor paused until they had alighted near the travelers. "'Welcome, dear birds, said Purity.

And still no sign of the professor, or of anyone else in pursuit of the eagles. Had the professor gone away from Oakvale, or, on a hint from Doctor Kane, was he merely waiting and giving Ralph every chance to earn the money? If the latter were the case, it was quite unlikely that Professor Whalen would share the secret of his discovery with any other possible hunter.

A local poet described it in the "live" paper of the town, cribbing from an old Eastern magazine and passing off as original, the lines "Again we stepped into the street, A train came thundering by, Drawn by the snorting iron steed Swifter than eagles fly. Rumbled the wheels, the whistle shrieked, Far rolled the smoky cloud, Echoed the hills, the valleys shook, The flying forests bowed."

Q. As men can think, when the eagles became troublesome, what did they do? A. They caught them. Q. And what did the eagles that were not caught do? A. They went to places where men were not so plenty. Q. Are, there many different kinds of eagles? A. Yes. Q. Name some. A. The black eagle, the bald eagle, the sea eagle, and others.

And, yes, I recall another that fine gentleman who was a great electrical engineer, Peter Cooper Hewitt. But most of the big men in this country were poor boys. Having to struggle, they grew strong. "For instance, there were the Wright brothers, who turned men into eagles!

He now professed to be more friendly with his son-in-law than ever, and the very next day he said to Owasso: "Come, my son, you must go with me to procure some young eagles. We will tame them, and have them for pets about the lodge. I have discovered an island where they are in great abundance."

Then he took from one of them a magnificent war bonnet of white eagles' plumes, and from another a robe of soft doeskin adorned with beautiful designs in coloured beads and porcupine quills and needlework in brilliant silk. From a third he took a chief's staff of office, and from a fourth a pair of richly-decorated moccasins.

The roof was surmounted by two weathercocks: one displaying the eagle of Russia, and the other the eagle of France. The two outer doors were also surmounted by the eagles of the two countries. "The raft was precisely in the middle of the river, with the two doors of the salon facing the two opposite banks.