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Dyckman's report of the ordeal to her husband. She was angry at Mrs. Dyckman, but angrier still at her mother. Kedzie's father and mother were an increasing annoyance to Kedzie's pride and her peace. They wanted to get out to Nimrim and make a triumph through the village. And Jim and Kedzie were glad to pay the freight.

It was really a curious sight to see that crowd of boys rushing over the territory adjoining Dyckman's Hall, following the pair who pooled their strength in order to restrain the wildly eager dog. Frank quickly took note of a certain fact. "We're heading for the water, fellows!" he exclaimed, as well as he was able, while being tugged along by the erratic rushes of Kaiser.

But first Kedzie must divorce herself from the Hyperfilm Company. She went to the studio with rage in her heart. She told Ferriday that she would not go to California. He proposed that she break with the Hyperfilm Company and form a corporation of her own with Dyckman as angel. Kedzie was wroth at this. From now on, spending Dyckman's money would be like spending her own.

He was troubled by the first frenzy she had ever shown for him, and he might have learned how much more than a merely pretty child she was if she had not suddenly felt an icy hand laid on her hands, unclasping them. A cold arm seemed to bend about her throat and drag her back. She slid from Dyckman's knees, gasping: "Oh!" She could not become Mrs. Jim Dyckman, because she was Mrs. Thomas Gilfoyle.

Adna, hearing the door-bell and Dyckman's entrance, returned to the living-room from the bathroom, where he had taken refuge. He stood in the hall now behind the puzzled Dyckman. There was a dreadful silence for a moment. Jim spoke, shyly: "Hello, Anita! How are you?" "Hello, Jim!" Kedzie stammered. "This is " "I'm the janitor's wife," said Mrs. Thropp.

She wept all over Jim Dyckman's waistcoat, sat on his lap and swallowed throat-lumps and tears and tugged at his cuff-links with her little fingers. Then she looked up at him and blushed and kissed him fiercely, hugging him with all the might of her arms.

"He allowed he was mighty busy, right about then. Wouldn't I just make myself at home and examine the books for myself? I reckon that was about what Farley wanted him to do. I'm no book expert, and I couldn't make head or tail out of Dyckman's spider tracks. Looks to me like all the books are good for is to keep people from finding where the company is at.

"But I changed it myself first," Kedzie howled; and now the truth came ripping. "The day after you pulled me out of the pool at Newport I I married a fellow named Tommie Gilfoyle." Dyckman's smile was swept from his face; his chuckle ended in a groan. Kedzie's explanation was a little different from the one she gave her parents. Unconsciously she tuned it to her audience.

Noxon came down with her hat on and her gloves going on. She pinched Dyckman's cheek and kissed him and said: "It's sweet of you, Jimmie, to call on an old crone like me, and so promptly. She'll be down in a minute. But you must be on your good behavior, Jim, for they're talking about you, you know. They're bracketing your name with Charity's." "The dirty beasts! I'll " "You can't, Jim.

He had decoyed Anita from her duty by his millions. Not that she was unwilling to be decoyed. And now she would revel in her ill-got luxury, while her legal husband could starve in a garret. As he brooded, the vision of Dyckman's money grew huger and huger. The dog had not merely thousands or hundreds of thousands, but thousands of thousands. Gilfoyle had never seen a thousand-dollar bill.