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Wild turkey; also various transient and straggling water birds. RHODE ISLAND: Wood-duck, knot, greater yellow-legs, upland plover, golden plover, piping plover, great horned owl. SOUTH CAROLINA: Wood duck, abundant 6 years ago, now almost gone. Black bear verging on extinction, opossum dwindling rapidly. SOUTH DAKOTA: Prairie chicken and quail are most likely to become extinct in the near future.

It was cowardly of him to take advantage of his superior strength! She had experienced very real terror all the same, so terrible had that quaint mask of Fontan's become. And her anger began dwindling down as though the blow had calmed her. She began to feel respect toward him and accordingly squeezed herself against the wall in order to leave him as much room as possible.

She should be protected from him in future he vowed she should. Lady Tranmore should take it in hand. She had been a match for Cliffe in various other directions before this. What brought the man, with his notorious character and antecedents, to Grosville Park one of the dwindling number of country-houses in England where the old Puritan restrictions still held?

He was just a boy, after all, in spite of his boasting and his vaunted knowledge of the world; and now in his trouble he had come back to her, to the one person he knew he could trust. She gazed a long time at the dwindling form till it was lost in the immensity of the plain; and then she gazed on, for dreams were all she had to comfort her lonely heart

Sudden sunshine, obsequious manners, attention of all kinds for ever dwindling periods, until at last the boy san attains his end, a fat retaining fee, extorted at regular intervals. But even more exasperating, since no largesse can cure it, is his national bent towards espionage. What does he do with his spare time, of which he has so much?

There was no allusion to the past, no begging for forgiveness, no hint of a wish to return home. His father seldom looked at the lad's letters, but flung them to Will to be read, the quarrel between him and his son, instead of dwindling into forgetfulness, seeming to grow and widen in his mind with each succeeding year, as trifling disagreements frequently do in weak but obstinate natures.

He commenced playing in order to attract the crowd from Robinson, and in order to break up his meeting. He succeeded; one by one they came out of the courthouse, and when Oglesby swung into a stirring dance measure the crowd at once responded with an impromptu hoe-down. Robinson, seeing his audience dwindling, quit speaking and came out himself.

Give the eagle the throat of the lark, and after he has struck down his prey in the centre of the sky and sent the ragged feathers and the slain body falling down to earth, what would be the song of the eagle rising again and dwindling out of sight in the heart of the sky? What terrible pean would he send whistling down to the dull earth far below?

The recruits bring freshness and the spirit of competition; they are determined to show that they are as brave as the old fighters. But, if the East Lancs. go on dwindling, the cadre will not retain strength enough to absorb and shape the recruits who will, we must suppose, some day be poured into it.

Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, afterwards Pope Pius II., however, seems to have thought Amalfi, ever dwindling in size and importance, too mean a place to own so great a treasure, and he accordingly transported the head of the Saint to Rome, where it is now accounted amongst the four chief relics of St Peter’s.