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"Now," said Durtal, looking at his watch, "the Abbé Gévresin must have finished his breakfast. It is time to take leave of him before joining the Abbé Plomb at the station." He crossed the forecourt of the palace and rang at the priest's door. "So you are sure you are going!" said Madame Bavoil, who opened the door, and admitted him to her master. "Well, yes "

"Alas, how comes it that Pustet has so long acquired the monopoly of liturgical books, and ... but no, better hold one's peace ... take this only for certain, that the German volumes are the absolute negation of the Gregorian tradition, the most complete heresy of plain chant." "By the way, what time is it? We must make haste," said the procurator, looking at the watch which Durtal held up to him.

"My God, my God!" he sighed, "this is indeed too much." And in her turn Florence appeared with her little street-arab smile, and her childish haunches. "I can never tell the confessor all that was brewed in the perfumed shade of her vices," cried Durtal. "I can by no means make him face these torrents of pus.

He carried his point that he was the most guilty and that he must instruct them in saving their souls and assist them at the moment when they should mount the scaffold. Jean de Malestroit granted the supplication. "What is curious," said Durtal, interrupting his writing to light a cigarette, "is that " A gentle ring. Mme. Chantelouve entered. She declared that she could stay only two minutes.

After being dissected and filtered in the numberless provincial Uses, the Liturgy was brought back to the standard of Rome by the efforts of Dom Guéranger, and it may be hoped that the Benedictines at last will also bring all the churches back to the strict use of plain-song. "And this church above all!" sighed Durtal.

As he made his way home, Durtal, still reflecting on this array of the Righteous, suddenly was struck by this idea: "There is no portrait in Chartres of a Saint whose present help was of yore desired above all others: Saint Christopher, whose effigy was usually to be found at the entrance to a cathedral, standing alone in a spot apart.

"Let's see, Des Hermies, you were claiming yesterday that Satanism has pursued an uninterrupted course since the Middle Ages," said Durtal, wishing to get back to the subject which haunted him. "Yes, and the documents are irrefutable. I'll put you into a position to prove them whenever you wish.

Church dancing is really no more than a gross form of rejoicing among Southern races. We need mention it merely as noteworthy, and that is all. "Now, from a practical point of view, what has the influence of symbolism been on souls?" Durtal could answer himself.

"Thus every ferocious beast or bird and every reptile is a manifestation of the Evil One," Durtal concluded. To pass to the Tetramorph. The evangelistic animals are well known: Saint Matthew, who expatiates on the subject of the Incarnation and sets forth the human genealogy of the Messiah, is symbolized by a man.

From another point of view that of the picture as a whole, and of the broad view taken of the subject, the Judgment of Souls at Notre Dame de Chartres is for beneath that of the cathedral at Bourges. "That, indeed, is, I think, the most wonderful of all," said Durtal to himself.