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"The Camargo," I said, with an air of repentance, "does not please me. I like Dupres much better." An elderly admirer of Camargo, seated on my left, told me that in her youth she could perform the 'saut de basque' and even the 'gargouillade', and that nobody had ever seen her thighs, although she always danced without drawers.

The applause burst from every part of the house. I was astonished, and asked my friend the cause of all those bravos. "We applaud the grace of Dupres and, the divine harmony of his movements. He is now sixty years of age, and those who saw him forty years ago say that he is always the same." "What! Has he never danced in a different style?"

Just then she longed to fall on her knees before the altar and renew the vows of her childhood; but this impulse very soon died away, and, while the pews on every side rapidly filled, she watched impatiently for the appearance of the minister. Immediately in front of her sat Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Antoinette Dupres.

"He could not have danced in a better one, for his style is perfect, and what can you want above perfection?" "Nothing, unless it be a relative perfection." "But here it is absolute. Dupres always does the same thing, and everyday we fancy we see it for the first time. Such is the power of the good and beautiful, of the true and sublime, which speak to the soul.