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'Oh! shut thy row with that drodsome thing! said Hazel with sudden passion. 'Look'ee! I unna bide in if you go on. 'Ur? queried Abel dreamily. 'Play summat else! said Hazel, 'not that; I dunna like it. 'You be a queer girl, 'Azel, said Abel, coming out of his abstraction. 'But I dunna mind playing "Why do the People?" instead; it's just as heartening.

As soon as I uttered these words, the whole crowd ran back instinctively with fright; and Ned got so weak, that they were obliged to support him. "Lord have marcy on us!" said Ned; "hoys, isn't it an awful thing to speak to a spirit? my hair is like I dunna what, it's sticking up so stiff upon my head." "Spake to it in English, Ned," said they, till we hear what it will say.

No one thought of inquiring what she had been doing there at the time, but room was made for her at the supper-table next to Sampson Harrop, while the good steward, patting her on the head, filled her a cup of canary with his own hand, and gave her some cates to eat. "Ey dunna see Alizon" observed the little girl, looking round the table, after she had drunk the wine.

Sounds like a golf-stick an' Ah've no doubt he's got a head like one: main thick and with a twist in un. I dunna like 'tecs, Sir Henry, and I dunna like this one especial. Who's to tell as he aren't in with they devils as is after Black Riot? Naw! I dunna like him at all."

'But I dunna want it to grow up like Jack, she said. 'I want it to grow up like Ed'ard, and none else! 'Well! You are a queer girl. If you like him as you call Ed'ard what for did you take up with Jack? 'I dunno. 'Well, the best you can do, said Sally, 'is to go back to your Edward, lithermonsload and all. And if he wunna take you

He's not much of parson though; he wunna send yer to sleep wi' his long preachings. But oi say the mon's a good mon: he'll coom and see yer when you're bad, an' talk t' ye by th' hour; though he dunna talk oot o' th' Bible. But oi'm a lad o' t' forest, and 'll be a keeper some toime. That's better nor book-larning."

She left a little blotted note for Edward. 'Dunna think too bad of me, Ed'ard. I be bound to go to Undern and live; I ud liefer bide along of you. She went through the shadow-sweet meadows where birds hopped out across green stretches in the cool, the high corn that had once been her comrade, the honeysuckle hedges that used to bring so childish a glee.

"Well," replied the other, "there is something in that, and whatever I can do with him, I will, if you'll thry and do me a favor." "Me! Name it, man name it, and it's done, if it was only to rob the Grange. Ha! ha! An' by the way, I dunna what puts robbin' the Grange into my head!" And, as he spoke, his eye was bent with an expression of peculiar significance on Hanlon.

They come here and 'suades our men to go out and clem rather than take a shilling a week less, just a glass o' beer a day, and they gets their pay and lives in comfort, and dunna care nowt if us and th' childer all dies off together." "Talk o' woman's rights, as one hears about, and woman's having a vote; we ought to have a vote as to strikes.

He pulled the horse in sharply, and within a few yards of the winning-post wheeled and went back, amid the jeers and howls of the crowd, who thought he must be drunk. 'You've given me a long enough chase, he said, leaning towards her. 'Where the devil do you live? 'Oh, dunna stop! He's coming. 'Who? 'Mr. Marston, the minister. 'What do I care if he's a dozen ministers?