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I did so at ease, for a flue entered the main shaft immediately below the stack, which was a decidedly dumpy one in fact, less than five feet tall; so that I supported myself not by the arms alone but by resting my toes on the ridge where flue and shaft met. Now, as the reader will remember, it was the height of summer, and the day had brightened considerably since we entered the house.

The dumpy accommodation train was bumping itself along at a great rate, puffing stertorously up the long grade past "Sassafras Hill," and then swinging itself around the curves that followed the river so desperately that passengers and freight alike for it was a combination train as well as accommodation were like to be flung from it, hurled into space as useless encumbrances to its desperate need of getting there.

Tom was a short, dumpy specimen of humanity, with red hair, freckled face, nose of the pug order, and goggle eyes.

I saw bottomless stagnant waters, covered with slimy green. In the gaps in the sticky carpet, a sort of dumpy, black-and-yellow reptile was lazily swimming. Today, I should call it a salamander; at that time, it appeared to me the offspring of the serpent and the dragon, of whom we were told such bloodcurdling tales when we sat up at night. Hoo! I've seen enough: let's get down again, quick!

Three gray birds were starting up from the stubble. They were round, dumpy, like enormous bumble bees. Kennicott was sighting, moving the barrel. She was agitated. Why didn't he fire? The birds would be gone! Then a crash, another, and two birds turned somersaults in the air, plumped down. When he showed her the birds she had no sensation of blood.

This gives the boats a dumpy appearance, as they look as if they had been cut short. They are half-decked, with a roomy fo'castle and a well, where the fish are kept alive. They carry one mast. The peculiarity of their rig is that they have no boom to their mainsail, which in shape somewhat resembles a barge-sail, and, like it, can in a moment be brailed completely up.

He ate a little mite of supper, but not much, and then off he puts. Says he's goin' to walk the fog out'n his head. I told him, s' I, 'You'll walk a plaguey sight more in than you do out, THIS night, but he went just the same. He was dreadful kind of dumpy and blue this evenin'. Seemed to be sort of soggy in his mind.

I'd never pined to see the inside as I should if the outside were tall and graceful and gray, instead of dumpy and red an ochre-red colour which is interesting only when the sun shines on it, or when wet and sparkling with rain, in the midst of its lovely old trees. I almost gasped with joy and surprise, however, when we entered, for the interior is wonderful.

It requires much care under cultivation, water in excess being fatal to it, and a soil of the wrong sort soon killing all its roots. It is cultivated at Kew in a small pot, in a mixture of loam and lime rubbish, and grown in a warm greenhouse. Stem short, with numerous branches, which again push forth other branches, so that a dense tuft of dumpy, globose stems is formed.

"I hope we shall see you often.... I think that you are called here!" Vickers returned to the Farm, thinking of Alice Johnston. She had given him of her peace, of her confidence, her large way of taking the issues of life. 'And I used to say that she was a commonplace dumpy country girl! he mused.