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It is death of that which makes me man the weakening of my will, the dulling of my conscience, the loss of spiritual vision. Hereafter, it may be, all this will be recognised by me as being death indeed, when I see how much I have missed, by my own fault, of the life and happiness which might have been mine in virtue of that unbroken communion with God, for which I was made.

But Herb knew as well as he knew anything that the man who had robbed him was long past "chippering up," and was starting alone to the unseen camping-grounds. "How long since you got back here?" he' asked, close to the dulling ear. "Couldn't keep track o' days. Got turned round in woods. Lost trail heap long getting to th' old camp." The words seemed freezing on the lips which uttered them.

Up to five or ten years ago the puzzled and distracted teacher would simply report the child for stupidity, indifference, and even insubordination. In nine cases out of ten, when children are naughty or stupid, they are really sick. Not content with dulling one of the child's senses, these thugs of the body-politic proceed to throttle two others smell and taste.

Can no one follow Him at home?" "I do not see that he can if he is called abroad, father." "And are you called?" he asked sharply, still the pain at his heart dulling any sense of shame that he could speak unsympathetically of such a thing. Hubert answered gently. "I believe I am, father," he said. Mr. Gray stared at his son silently.

At this juncture the singular drowsiness which had overtaken him so persistently in the past few days began to steep his dulling senses. Warned by its approach, Raikes began to put into execution a newly conceived plan of retiring for the night and effective vigil over his treasure-trove.

And yet actually, in spite of the extreme physical weariness which had gradually stolen over him, dulling his senses, so that he was hardly conscious of Oswyn's departure, or of the subdued entrance of the nurse, who had been discreetly waiting for it, Rainham's mind was still keenly vigilant; and it was in the relief of a certain new lucidity, an almost hieratic calm, that he reviewed that recent interview, in which he had so deliberately unburdened himself.

There are a certain number of passages where Amiel ceases to be the writer, and becomes the technical philosopher; there are others, though not many, into which a certain German heaviness and diffuseness has crept, dulling the edge of the sentences, and retarding the development of the thought.

Uncle Bernique was off on the hills, too, almost all the time; at the moment of this present crisis Bernique had been away for days. It was the merciless loneliness of the effort there at Redbud that had been most effective in dulling Steering's endurance. If he had been less lonely he might have devised ways of standing Missouri yet longer.

Yet to-day the dim richness of the effect, the dints, the scaling-off of the flakes, the fading of the pigment, the dulling of the gold, were incomparable; and I began to wonder if perhaps that was not what happened to us in life; and that though we foolishly regretted the tarnishing of the bright surfaces of soul and body with our passions and tempers and awkwardnesses and feeblenesses, yet perhaps it was, after all, that we were taking on an unsuspected beauty, and making ourselves fit, some far-off day, for the Communion of Saints!

Reade went tirelessly on with his pick. Some of the big fellows came forward with their tools and worked beside him. Tom still led. For half an hour all hands worked blithely. Then Tom, halting, called them off. "No use to go any further, boys, until we get some dynamite," he declared. "We're striking into harder and harder rock every minute. We are dulling our tools without making any headway."