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An hour later the trail narrowed into a short canon, and this canon, to Keith's surprise, opened suddenly into a beautiful valley, a narrow oasis of green hugged in between the two ranges. Scarcely had they entered it, when Duggan raised his voice in a series of wild yells and began firing his rifle into the air. "Home-coming," he explained to Keith, after he was done.

Whin Andy Duggan r-run f'r aldherman against Schwartzmeister, th' big Dutchman, I was precinct captain then, Jawn, there was an iliction f'r ye.

The river journey he calculated should bring him to Fort Duggan at the height of summer, and it was without any feeling of enthusiasm that he contemplated that fly-and-mosquito-ridden country at such a time of year. But it was necessary, and so he was left without alternative.

"Next to my Pa was a feller with whiskers a mile long, and pop eyes, and when Jimmy Duggan left us and starts down to the platform this feller says to Pa, 'Ain't he the great man! he says. "And my Pa says, 'He ain't so bad for a Swede. "And the man says, 'He ain't no Swede. No! Sir. "And my Pa says, 'Since when ain't he a Swede when he's born in Swedeland?

Life lay ahead of him, life with its thrill and adventure, and at his side was the friend of all friends to seek it with him. He thrust out his hands. "God bless you, Andy," he cried. "You're the gamest pal that ever lived!" A moment later Duggan pointed to a clump of timber half a mile ahead. "It's past dinner-time," he said. "There's wood. If you've got any bacon aboard, I move we eat."

This gentleman being a Protestant and a Tory, his guest told him of the plan against Duggan. But Mr. Freeman was quite a different person from the others, and was besides a friend of Mr. Duggan's. He went immediately to Mr. 's house, and learned from his own lips that he was about to commit this wrong. Mr.

"After all that, you would have come away with me, covered with blood, a a murderer, they say a hunted man " "John, dear." She took one of his hands in both her own and held it tight. "John, dear, I've got something to tell you." He was silent. "I made Duggan promise not to tell you I was here when he found you, and I made him promise something else to keep a secret I wanted to tell you myself.

'I know that terains run underneath their bazaars there, and as for their streets stinking with mota kahars, only this morning I was nearly killed by Duggan Sahib's mota-kahar. That young man is a devil.

They treated Duggan and the People's Party as a joke until the official nomination meeting when the strength and enthusiasm of Jimmy's supporters jolted them. There was a hurried consultation thereafter in the government's campaign quarters. Cabinet ministers were turned loose in the riding; the city papers supporting the government, though loth to do it, began to play up "The Big Wind."

"Do you think I made trail from Fort Duggan for a fancy, after months of winter to Seal Bay and back, on the day I'd just made home? Do you think I wouldn't have waited for the river? Do you think I'd have done this if it wasn't all real? Oh, man, man," she cried in protest, "I'm no fool girl to see things that just aren't.