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Along this verandah came, slowly, Cecil, beautiful to behold in a loose brown suit, with buff coloured shirt and flowing orange tie. Wally cast a swift glance at his ankles, and chuckled. "He's got new socks on!" he said, in a sepulchral whisper. "Shut up, you duffer he'll hear you!" Jim said. He raised his voice. "Looking for us, Cecil?" "Yes," Cecil drawled. "Uncle David asked me to find you.

The Executive Council of the Brotherhood, District No. 6, F. I. M. X. T. S. Z., was about to hold a meeting. The Council was composed of seven eminent Freaks Sim Boles, the Double-Jointed Wonder; Bony Perkins, the Ossified Man; Duffer Leech, the Man with the Phenomenal Skull; Miss Tilly Boles, the Beautiful Mermaid of the Southern Sea; Mrs. Smock, the Bearded Circassian Beauty; Mr.

He says all this Instruction is He says 'tisn't decent." "Oh, he does, does he! Well, let me tell you that whatever Henry T. Thompson thinks about morals, I mean, though course you can't beat the old duffer " "Why, what a way to talk of Papa!"

Reginald used to have loose enough ideas of the value of money; but the last few weeks had taught him lessons, and one of them was that a pound a week could work wonders. "Apply confidentially." Yes, of course, or else any duffer might snatch at the prize.

"I'll agree with you there, Tonald, just to convince you that I don't always duffer," said the argumentative Highlander, rising to assist his not less argumentative friend.

We're all good friends in our little troop we have more fun than you could shake a stick at, joshing each other about different kinds of heroic stunts, to win an honor medal, and some of them have thought up the craziest things " "I wish you could stay," said Tom. "Well, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, as some old duffer said."

"'Tain't a bit likely," he answered. "What isn't likely?" "Why, not one single thing in the whole kit of it. And first and foremost, 'tain't a bit likely the old man 'ud ha' been sich a duffer." "Why not? There must have been stupid people then as well as now." "Not his father." said Jarvis decidedly. "He wasn't but his step-father, like, you know, Mr.

In the entrance hall the company bowed and said good-by. And when Bordenave was alone he summed up his opinion of the prince in a shrug of eminently philosophic disdain. "He's a bit of a duffer all the same," he said to Fauchery without entering on further explanations, and with that Rose Mignon carried the journalist off with her husband in order to effect a reconciliation between them at home.

A youth with tan-coloured hair, that needed clipping very badly, came shuffling along between the machines, bearing a basket of leather findings under his left arm, and pressed against his stomach. When near Carrie, he stretched out his right hand and gripped one girl under the arm. "Aw, let me go," she exclaimed angrily. "Duffer." He only grinned broadly in return.

He air goin' to marry Mr. Young's sister, Helen, an' he air gittin' some pink peach when he gets her, ye can bet on that." "But he'll get me by my neck if he can," lamented the dwarf, in despair. "Waldstricker air a mean duffer a mighty mean duffer." "He air awful religious," reflected Tess, soberly. "I s'posed he were awful good." The dwarf made a gesture of disgust with his hand.