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One scarcely every hears of a fair meeting now, and the use of those cowardly pistols, in place of the honourable and manly weapon of gentlemen, has introduced a deal of knavery into the practice of duelling, that cannot be sufficiently deplored.

I turned him out of the house, and he considers himself insulted." "Oho! Then you'll have to meet him," said Ivanoff. "I'll be your second, and you shall shoot his nose off." "Why? The nose is a noble part of one's physiognomy. I am not going to fight," rejoined Sanine, laughing. Ivanoff nodded. "A good thing, too. Duelling is quite unnecessary." "My sister Lida doesn't think so," said Sanine.

As to the row with the Frenchman at Cairo, he told me himself. He said the beggar was too small for him to lick, and that duelling was ridiculous." "They didn't take that view of it at Shephard's Hotel" "Well, it is not my affair," said Maitland. "One should see all sort of characters, Bielby says. This is not an ordinary fellow.

All the explosives had been thrown out of the magazine, and it was only towards morning that the bird-faced man whose cabin Bert had taken in the beginning confessed to a brace of duelling pistols and cartridges, with which a fire could be started. Afterwards the lockers of the machine gun were found to contain a supply of unused ammunition.

In the old duelling days, when men used to go out at early dawn to shoot at each other with pistols, the one who had shied the wine glass at the other the night before often used to apologise; and when he did the pistols were put up into their case, and both parties went back comfortably to breakfast.

The king employs a bold and poetical metaphor to describe duelling to turn this hawk into a singing-bird, clip its wings, and cage it. "By comparing forraine mischiefes with home-bred accidents, it will not be hard to judge into what region this bolde bird of audacious presumption, in dealing blowes so confidently, will mount, if it bee once let flie, from the breast wherein it lurkes.

If you assist a lady to mount, hold your hand at a convenient distance from the ground, that she may place her foot in it. As she springs, you aid her by the impetus of your hand. In doing this, it is always better to agree upon a signal, that her spring and your assistance may come at the same moment. For this purpose there is no better form than the old duelling one of "one, two, three."

Both had come provided with a pair of duelling rapiers, and as all four weapons were of excellent temper and of exactly even length, no difficulty was met with here. Then a deep hush fell upon the gathering as the seconds returned to their principals. It had been arranged by the seconds that they should not fight in uniform, as the heavy boots impeded their action.

"Thank you, I have my duelling pistols under the seat. See that the triggers are oiled, Ambrose, for I love a light pull. Ah, sister Mary, I have brought your boy back to you, none the worse, I hope, for the dissipations of town."

I've often wondered that men of your profession judges, I mean didn't do something effective to put a stop to duelling. It was always against the law, and yet we had to wait for the slow growth of public opinion " "Then," said the judge, "you changed your mind, and came to the conclusion that my presence here wasn't likely to interfere with your friend's plans. Now will you tell me why "