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Indeed, it would be truer to say that he never was warm at all; and at last, after one bitter night, his legs moved so slowly that the ice crept closer and closer, and when the morning light broke he was caught fast, as in a trap; and soon his senses went from him. A few hours more and the poor duckling's life had been ended.

And Vanya and Maroosia ate sunflower seeds too, and sometimes played outside the cottage and sometimes inside; but mostly stood very quiet close to the swinging cradle, waiting till old Babka Tanya, the nurse, should pull the shawls a little way aside and let them see the pink, crumpled face of the little Nikolai, and the yellow fluff, just like a duckling's, which covered his bumpy pink head.

Indeed, he was the most polite fowl in the poultry-yard, and the Black Spanish Hen thought his manners quite perfect. Then the Duckling's five aunts pushed their way through the crowd to the nest under the edge of the strawstack. "Have you noticed what fine large feet he has?" said one of them. "That is like his mother's people. See what a strong web is between the three long toes on each foot!

Ducklings big and ducklings small, This is how we feed them all Yellowbill and Featherbreast, Speckletail, and all the rest: On sweet meal they dine and sup Oh, how fast they eat it up! 'Tis indeed a pretty sight Soon the bucket's empty quite. "Quack!" when dinner is begun; "Quack!" they say when it is done; Though it wasn't known before, "Quack's" a duckling's word for "more."

Rolleston felt as distracted and perplexed as a duckling's hen foster-mother, at the vagaries of the happy-go-lucky, reckless Irish blood in Bertie, which did not flow in her own veins. She looked forward to marrying him to Cecil, as the best chance of relieving his pecuniary difficulties and reforming his unsteadiness.

Terry had always had that pucker for perplexity or disappointment. Why, he had had it when the first down was on his baby head, as soft as a duckling's. The road grew narrow. He began to lag behind, to veer towards Eileen. "Is it worth while for us all to go on to Inch?" he asked in his discontented young voice. "Supposing Eileen and I go on by the river, while you and Stella take back the dogs!

"If she failed in what she wanted to do, she was to do what I wanted her to do. I think she will wish to keep her bargain." "I'm sure I wish to," added Monny. With a chastened, not to say shattered air, she curled herself up on the sheepskin-covered cushion which was the ugly Duckling's saddle.

It was a considerable shock to her to find that Robert was fair, with a snub nose, merry eye, and rather a schoolboy manner. "A serpent in duckling's plumage," was her private comment; merciful chance had revealed him to her in his true colours. As they drove away from the station a dissipated-looking man of the labouring class waved his hat in friendly salute. "Good luck to you, Mr.

There, the duckling's sorrowful wanderings finished with his turning into a swan, and Queen Mab always had a liking for happy endings.

It was a lucky shot; for if the bullet had gone through the duckling's body there would have been little left of it to eat. While George and I were drying the camp equipment, Hubbard caught five small trout in the stream that emptied into the lake at this point the stream we had followed down. These fish we ate for luncheon.