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"Only sorrow makes one feeble, sorrow and loneliness; but hope makes one strong, and I got hope again I want to live, Drusilla I want to live!" "John," Drusilla's hand carefully opened the door and Drusilla's head peered warily into the opening, "Are you alone? Has he gone?" She looked around the room. "Yes, he's gone. I'll come in."

Drusilla, after Hilda's departure, sat by her little stove and thought it over. She divined something which did not appear on the surface. She was glad that she had promised to plead Hilda's cause. The woman's face haunted her. And now the other workers who shared Drusilla's shack returned, bringing news of many wounded and on the way.

"Now, why shouldn't I! I've got neighbors that's all been tryin' to be neighborly to me in their way; why shouldn't I be neighborly in my way? I can't be neighborly jest leavin' a card, or drinkin' tea with my gloves on Yes, I will! Drusilla'll be neighborly in Drusilla's way." She was as delighted as a child at the thought. She hurried into the pantry and returned with some plates and napkins.

"Well, I suppose we must go to bed, though I must say it seems harder to do that than almost anything. None of us'll sleep." "Oh, Peter, won't you do something?" Drusilla's hands were clasped beneath an imploring face, slightly tilted to one side. Her black hair had begun to tumble to her shoulders. "I'll I'll think it over," was all he could find to answer. "Oh, thank you, Peter!

Yates shows Drusilla how to hold her pencil," said Flavilla, becoming warmly earnest in her appreciation of this self-sacrificing young man. "He often lays aside his own sketching and guides Drusilla's hand while she holds the pencil " "And when I'm tired," said Drusilla, "and the water colors get into a dreadful mess, Mr.

The doctor entered at that moment and the baby was turned over to him, while Drusilla's guests put on their wraps and followed her downstairs. At the door of her sitting-room Drusilla turned to them. "Won't you come in? You wished to see me about " Mr. Carrington said hastily: "No; we will let the matter wait. We are on our way to the opera "

Old Bunk came out and went over to the store; someone struck a chord in the house, and as Denver listened hungrily a voice rose up, clear and flute-like, yet somehow changed. It was her's, it was Drusilla's, and yet it was not; the year had made a change. There was a difference in her singing; a new note of tenderness, of yearning, of sadness, of love.

I told over all of her sufferin's, from the Ring, and from not havin' her rights; and all her sister Susan Clapsaddle's sufferin's; and all her aunt Eunice's and Patty's, and Drusilla's and Abagail's, sufferin's. I did her errent up honorable and square, as I would love to have a errent done for me. I told him all the particulers; and as I finished, I said firmly,

"We might take him out with us." "That's a good idea, Daphne. You go up to his office and tell him to come down an we'll take him home. I want to talk and he can stay to dinner." "Can't I stay too " shyly said Daphne, slipping her hand into Drusilla's. Drusilla looked down at her and laughed. "No, you can't. Your father wouldn't like it, and besides if you are there the doctor won't talk sense.

And the doctor went. At three o'clock on July 16th, there met in the Doane library Mr. Carrington, Mr. Raydon the multi-millionaire and great friend of Drusilla's Mr. Thornton, Dr. Eaton, and half a dozen of the residents of Brookvale. "Gentlemen," Drusilla began when the men were seated, "I suppose you wonder why you are all here.