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"And after that, Drusilla," he smiled as he phrased it "your Tin Soldier will go to the wars." Jean glanced from one to the other. "Is that what she called you a Tin Soldier?" "It is what I called myself." Marion having come forward to say the proper thing, added, "Drusilla's going, too." "Drusilla?" "Yes, with my college unit to run errands in a flivver."

I only wish you could realize what it means to have a big, strong man like you to lean on." Davenant looked pleased; he was in the mood to be pleased with anything. He had had so little of women's appreciation in his life that Drusilla's enthusiasm was not only agreeable but new. He noticed, too, that in speaking Drusilla herself was at her best. She had never been pretty.

For him, that was Drusilla's song, the expression of her gayest, happiest self. Its lilt and flow recalled her to his thoughts like the embroidered motifs that Wagner used to anticipate the coming of his characters. It was a light song, in a way, not the greatest of music; but while she was singing it he had seen her for the first time and it had become the motif of her coming.

Do you think that Père Marquette cared for what smaller minds might think, or Frances Willard? They had their vision backed by a great faith in the rightness of things, and so Marquette followed the river and planted the cross, and Frances Willard blazed the way for the thing which has come to pass." After lunch they motored to Drusilla's. They used one of Dr. McKenzie's cars.

She accepted, too, Drusilla's friendly offer to help in the writing of the cards, of which it would be necessary to send out some two hundred. There being no time to lose, they set themselves immediately to the task, Drusilla at the desk, and Olivia writing on a blotting-pad at a table. They worked for twenty minutes or half an hour in silence.

For a year after Gerald's death she lived with his family at Silchester, in preference to going to her own. After that she settled in the small house at Southsea, where from time to time she had her girlhood's companion, Olivia Guion, as a guest. "Perhaps that'll do us good," Miss Guion ventured, in reply to Drusilla's observations at her expense.

Drusilla's face was a study for a moment as she remembered the many shrill orders and the thousand and one ways that the Director had employed to make her lonely life harder than was really necessary; but kindliness triumphed and the hard look left her eyes.

Thornton?" as the lawyer rose. "Let Daphne stay a while with me. I want her to come to my room and talk a while. I'm real upset and tired and I can listen to Daphne without having to think." "That sounds as if I talked nothing but nonsense!" Daphne pouted. Drusilla put her arm around the young girl. "Never you mind, dear; I like your chatter, so come with me." And they went to Drusilla's room.