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Up he comes to me, and as he came I looked at him, and said to myself, 'You are a drunkard you are, and a rogue, it's written on your face, and, what's more, I know your face. You see I did not guess that it was a son of my own father that I was looking at. How should I? "'Is your name Croft? he said. "'Ay, I answered. "'So is mine, he went on with a sort of drunken leer. 'I'm your brother.

I know her of old; she is a drunkard, and is said to be bad in every respect. I would object her being hired to any colored person no matter what their character was; and if she cannot get into a respectable family I had rather she came home, and if she can't work out put her to spinning and weaving. Her relations here beg she may not be permitted to go to Matilda.

"But these besotted men will not go to him. I am helpless and in despair of salvation, when I stand face to face with a confirmed drunkard. All one's care and thought and effort seem wasted, You lift them up to-day, and they fall to-morrow. Good resolutions, solemn promises, written pledges, go for nothing. They seem to have fallen below the sphere in which God's saving power operates."

Let any man travel with twenty men of whom four are tipsy, and on leaving them he will tell you that every man of them was a drunkard. I have said that these men are brave, and I have no doubt that they are so. How should it be otherwise with men of such a race? But it must be remembered that there are two kinds of courage, one of which is very common and the other very uncommon.

But now a drunkard a renegade soldier of a renegade battalion to be shot. He had killed her trust! The horrors of the night closed on him like hounds on a dying stag. Uttering a dull cry of agony, he staggered across the hut with outstretched hands and in the darkness his poor disordered fancy saw once more the vision of his sister's face.

It led her naturally to seek ways and means to free the Negro from slavery and to turn to the temperance movement to wipe out the evil of drunkenness. These were the days when the reformed drunkard, John B. Gough, was lecturing throughout the country with the zeal of an evangelist, getting thousands to sign the total-abstinence pledge.

Cato read the letter, which was an amatory epistle addressed to Cæsar by his sister Servilia who was enamoured of Cæsar and had been debauched by him, and throwing it at Cæsar he said, "Take it, drunkard," and so resumed his speech. Indeed in the female part of his family Cato appears to have always been unlucky.

They were all afraid of Jim; he was a drunkard, but he could twist the law to suit his client's needs as no other man in all western Kansas could do, and there were many who tried. The lawyer closed the door behind him, leaned back against it and folded his arms, cocking his head a little to one side.

The answer failed to conciliate her; there was an accent of compassion in it that ill-suited her pride, and a lack of admiration that was not less new and unwelcome. "It was well for you that I was unsexed enough to be able to send an ounce of lead into a drunkard!" she pursued with immeasurable disdain. "If I had been like that dainty aristocrate down there pardieu! It had been worse for you.

The user of narcotics knows it; the drunkard knows it; and this poor self-crucified victim of his own imagination he knew it too. The hint of it had that day been reflected in the attitude of his neighbors, for they merely had obeyed, without conscious realization or analysis on their part, a law of the natural scheme of things.