United States or South Korea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Brewers' and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Association of Oregon sent out from Portland May 21 to the retail liquor dealers and druggists the following secret circular, printed on its official paper, headed with the names of thirteen breweries and nineteen wholesale liquor houses: Dear Sir: Two laws are to be voted on at the election June 4, which are of vital importance to every liquor merchant in Oregon without exception.

Serve them up with Spanish sauce. WOOLLENS. To preserve articles of this sort from the moths, let them be well brushed and shaken, and laid up cool and dry. Then mix among them bitter apples from the druggists', in small muslin bags, carefully sewn up in several folds of linen, and turned in at the edges.

There was a badge of Modern Woodmen, one of the Hardware Dealers' Association, one of the Wholesale Druggists, one of the Amalgamated Association of Railway Trainmen, one of the Farmers' Alliance, one of the Butter and Cheese-men's Convention, one of the State Undertakers' Guild, and half a dozen others in brass, bronze and tin, on various colored ribbons.

That you may inform your apothecaries, druggists, and perfumers concerning the products of this country and its high temperature, I send you some seeds of all kinds, as well as the bark and the pith of those trees which are believed to be cinnamon trees.

G. Gourdon & Co. druggists, corner of Rampart and Hospital streets, New Orleans, in the "Commercial Bulletin," Sept. 18, 1838. "Ranaway, a negro named David Drier has two toes cut." Mr. William Brown, in the "Grand Gulf Advertiser," August 29, 1838. "Ranaway, Edmund has a scar on his right temple, and under his right eye, and holes in both ears." Mr.

Imagine medical research conducted by students who could rarely go into a hospital, were deprived of animal experiment, and compelled to draw conclusions from the stories of people who had been ill, the reports of nurses, each of whom had her own system of diagnosis, and the statistics compiled by the Bureau of Internal Revenue on the excess profits of druggists.

A small quantity of Egyptian sugar is imported, but the people here do not like it; in general, they prefer every thing that comes from India, which they conceive The Indian druggists are all men of good property; their trade is very lucrative, and no Arabs can rival them in it.

Evening began; and one by one a multitude of lights, from the demoniac glare of the druggists' windows to the dazzling blue whiteness of the electric globes, grew thick from street corner to street corner. Once more the street was crowded. Now there was no thought but for amusement. The cable cars were loaded with theatre-goers men in high hats and young girls in furred opera cloaks.

We have enough of such writings to have them classified as "cocaine literature." If there are 4,000,000, or even fewer, of these people in our land, it is a serious problem, for every one is a degenerate, to a certain degree. If the medical profession and the druggists would co-operate it would be easy enough to prevent the growth of a new crop of dope fiends.

"I suppose we'll have to take it," she said, "but it's pretty expensive. I hate to have druggists get such a lot of money." He laughed aloud. "I hate to have you get a good licking to-morrow, too, but you'll get it just the same, or I miss my guess." When the twins arrived home, Fairy was just cutting the candy she had made. "It's delicious," she said to Prudence.