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"Well, Harry, it hasn't made me laugh. I was lolling half drowsily over the hatchway there, the other evening, when I suppose I dropped off asleep, and I dreamt of Hunston. I dreamt that I was going through all that ugly scene again, and while in the thick of the dream, something woke me." "Yes." "What do you think it was?" "Can't say." "Hunston's voice, moaning, groaning with pain apparently."

They were lolling round in a ring, while one of the number read drowsily from a big book which was lying on a bowlder in the middle of this Sleepy-hollow. All seemed to be looking and listening intently. But as soon as those who sat facing Bobby caught sight of him, they gave a long yawn and fell into a deep sleep.

It was enough to lie curled among pillows under the alder and stare drowsily at the blue September sky, half aware of the drone of a breeze in the firs, the flutter of birds' wings, and the lap of water on the beach. Presently, however, the old restless energy revived. The spring came back to her step and she shed that lethargy like a cast-off garment.

"Wonder if that there applies to bone-headed cowpunchers," Bob muttered drowsily. "'And all who would " Thurston glanced quickly at his face; caught his breath sharply at what he saw there written, and dropped his head upon his arms. And so Park and his men, hurrying to the sound of the shooting, found them in the shadow of the rock.

I don't know how long I slept, but I remember starting up again and wondering why the boat was moving so curiously, and then I found that I was being shaken, and a hoarse voice said: "Sep! Sep! Wake up." "What's matter?" I said drowsily. "It's dark and cold, and we'd better begin to row again. The sea has gone down." "Has it?" I said sleepily. "Never mind. It don't matter." "Yes, it does. Wake up.

The men turned round and eyed him with interest. Then the man called Joe called back to the storekeeper. "My name's Joe Manton," he said, by way of introduction. "An' my friend's called Sim Longley. Say," he went on, with a backward jerk of the head, "mebbe your friend'll take something?" Minky glanced over at Wild Bill. The gambler drowsily opened his eyes and bestirred himself.

I slept in a splendid dry blanket under a bearskin which Hector spread over me, and a dim light was in the eastern sky when the old man roused me, saying, "If ye are stout at the paddle we'll try the river noo." The others were growling drowsily as they rose to their feet, and I saw that Ormond's gaze was fixed on me meaningly.

From the arches of the window-spaces hung old Moorish lamps of copper, fitted with small panes of dull jewelled glass, such as may be seen in venerable church windows. In a round copper brazier, set on one of the window-seats, incense twigs were drowsily burning and giving out thin, dwarf columns of scented smoke.

Claude walked slower than was his custom, his straw hat pushed back on his head and the blaze of the sun full in his face. His body felt light in the scented wind, and he listened drowsily to the larks, singing on dried weeds and sunflower stalks. At this season their song is almost painful to hear, it is so sweet.

Once or twice, when she drowsily stirred in her bed, she showed symptoms of delusion. The poor girl supposed it was the eve or her wedding-day, and eagerly asked what Teresa had done with her new dress. A little later, when she had perhaps been dreaming, she fancied that her mother was still alive, and repeated the long-forgotten talk of her childhood.