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Go to sleep. I am better much better now." She did not speak for a few moments, then in a voice that conveyed to him a knowledge that his words of endearment had deeply moved her, she softly said: "Good night." He heard her sigh drowsily thereafter once or twice, and then she slept, and her slumber redoubled in him his sense of guardianship, of responsibility.

"Wha what's the matter?" said Minnie, drowsily. "Wake up," he said, "and turn over. You're talking in your sleep." A week or so later Drouet strolled into Fitzgerald and Moy's, spruce in dress and manner. "Hello, Charley," said Hurstwood, looking out from his office door. Drouet strolled over and looked in upon the manager at his desk. "When do you go out on the road again?" he inquired.

McGanum was to try to use that cheap X-ray outfit of his on an epithelioma, repaired a frock, drowsily heard Kennicott stoke the furnace, tried to read a page of Thorstein Veblen and the day was gone. Except when Hugh was vigorously naughty, or whiney, or laughing, or saying "I like my chair" with thrilling maturity, she was always enfeebled by loneliness.

"Don't go," she murmured drowsily. "No, dear." Through the darkness, moving with infinite care, he bore her under the stars and stepped noiselessly across the veranda, entered, and laid her on his cot. "Philip," she murmured. But he whispered to her that she must sleep, that he would be near her, close to her.

He drew a deep breath of relief, for a warm wind from the Pacific was roaring through the defile. Then Festing dropped the newspaper. "Why have you opened the door?" he asked drowsily, and got up with a jerk as the draught swept the smoke about the room. "A Chinook!" he exclaimed, and ran to the door. "We'll have rain and warmth while it blows." "It's great!" said Charnock hoarsely.

She was sitting in the wooden rocking chair in one end of the ivagon, placidly darning a pair of socks, while she waited for her husband to bring the horses from some place up in the woods where he had taken them for water. They had been staked by the roadside all night to graze. The wild-cat was blinking drowsily in its cage, having just been fed.

Our road ascended the thousand feet in a sinuous ribbon of white dust, and an eternity seemed to pass as we crawled drowsily upwards to the music of the cicadas, under the simmering blue sky. There was not a soul in sight; a hush had fallen upon all things; great Pan was brooding over the earth.

She gripped her husband's arm: "John!" He moaned drowsily. "John John " "What's matter?" he murmured without lifting his head from the pillow. "Get up quick!" "What for?" he groaned. "There's somebody around the house." "Na." "I tell you yes!" "Hit's the dawgs." "I heard a man's step on the path, I tell you." "Yer dreamin', ole woman " "I'm not, I tell ye." "Go back to sleep."

In a denser islet of shade, Scruff lay snapping at a fly. His head lolled drowsily in the middle of a snap, and snapped in the middle of a loll. At three o'clock Miss Naylor too came out, carrying a basket and pair of scissors. Lifting her skirts to avoid the lakes of water left by the garden hose, she stopped in front of a rose-bush, and began to snip off the shrivelled flowers.

Presently he paused; then tapped his forehead several times with his fingers, as if trying to recall some thought which had escaped from his mind. Apparently he was unsuccessful. Now he started quickly up, and entered his guest's room, and said "Thou art King?" "Yes," was the response, drowsily uttered. "What King?" "Of England." "Of England? Then Henry is gone!" "Alack, it is so. I am his son."