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"What are you doing, woman?" Mr. Fentolin demanded hoarsely. "Listen! It was an accident that your people were drowned. I'll give you an annuity. I'll make you rich for life rich! Do you understand what that means?" "Aye!" she answered, looking down upon him as he lay doubled up at the bottom of the boat. "I know what it means to be rich better than you, maybe.

The superintendent said something to me, and I went forward to look at the little child so small, so fair, so tender how could any woman, with a woman's heart, drop that warm, soft little nursling into the cold, deep sea? It was a woman who killed Joel a woman who slew Holofernes but the woman who drowned this little, tiny child was more cruel by far than they.

As I have already mentioned, a river from the plateau above leaps over the precipice into the bottom of the Gja, and flows for a certain distance between its walls. At the foot of the fall the waters linger for a moment in a dark, deep, brimming pool, hemmed in by a circle of ruined rocks; to this pool, in ancient times, all women convicted of capital crimes were immediately taken, and drowned.

I steeled my heart by thinking of the tiny baby face I had seen on the wooden bench of the pier so like hers the little drowned face! "I will tell you of what I am thinking, Mrs. Fleming," I said; "but I must tell it to you as a story." "Do," she said, in a gentle voice, and she gathered the scarlet poppies as she spoke.

He nodded and I went on. "What is your own belief? Do you think she was drowned?" He countered my query with another of: "What do you think?" "I? Oh! although I have no right to say so, I don't think at all. I am quite sure that she was not drowned; that she is living at this moment." "Where?" "As to that you had better inquire of our friends, Harût and Marût," I answered dryly.

The cabin doors were suddenly burst open, and Angerstoff next moment appeared before us, crying out, "Morvalden has fallen overboard. Throw a rope to him! He will be drowned." His hands and dress were marked with blood, and he had a frightful look of horror and confusion. "You are a murderer!" exclaimed I, almost involuntarily.

Disasters small and great were interpreted, on the Old Testament idea, as divine judgments. A boy seven years old fell through the ice and was drowned while his parents were at lecture, and his sister was drowned in trying to save him. "The parents had no more sons, and confessed they had been too indulgent towards him, and had set their hearts overmuch on him."

The three others were drowned also; but, as they were neither judges nor counsel, but merely ordinary persons, liable to be called as jurors or witnesses, their loss need not further concern us. If they had survived, they would have been subsequently killed at some time or other by their treatment in court.

They cannot produce either combs, honey, or food for their maggots, without water; but the neighbourhood of rivers or ponds with high banks ought to be avoided, or the bees will be blown into the water with high winds, and be drowned.

We cannot, at first, believe, or picture to ourselves, that THIS came rolling in, and drowned the city; and that all that is not here, has been cut away, by the axe, like solid stone. But this perceived and understood, the horror and oppression of its presence are indescribable.