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"Well, that's fair. I'm you're man; but if you don't lick me I'll drown the kitten, that's all." Having said this, he quietly divested himself of his jacket and neckcloth, while several boys assisted Martin to do the same, and brought him a draught of water in the crown of one of their caps.

He gave the wheel a quarter-turn to starboard, took down the transmitter and said: "Full speed again in two minutes, three quarters and then half." "But surely," exclaimed Lennard, "you can do something to help those poor fellows. Are you going to leave them all to drown?" "I have no orders, except to sink and destroy," replied Erskine between his teeth.

"Tastes better when you drink it out of a regular glass," he explained. "Always seems sort of cowardly to me to take it with water, almost as if you were trying to drown it so's it won't be able to bite back when you tackle it. Needn't mind sayin' 'when' The glass holds just so much, and I know enough to stop when it begins to run over. Well!

Though he could not drown, and was nine-lived in addition, he was suffering all the agonies of half- drowning.

Never, never again would she be arrogant to a neighbour who had fallen into misfortune. This vow, and many others, she made to St. Clare; then her thoughts wandered to the city moat, to the Pegnitz, the Fischbach, and all the other streams in and near Nuremberg, where it was possible to drown and thus escape the terrible disgrace which threatened her.

As soon as my feet touched the bottom, I slowly rose to the surface, but before I could get breath enough to call for help, sank back again and lost all control of myself. After sinking and rising I don't know how many times, some water got into my lungs and I began to drown. Then suddenly my mind seemed to clear.

They join with vigor in the shoutings, and their "amens" drown all others, while their excitable natures, worked upon by the wild eloquence of the backwoods' preacher, seem to give evidence of a firm desire to lead Christian lives, and the spectator is often deceived by their apparent earnestness and sincerity.

The mischiefs done by witches were usually trifling, and it never occurred to their prosecutors that there was an inconsistency between their pretended powers and their feeble deeds, or that it was strange that those who might live in regal luxury should be so wretchedly poor. The word of a child of eleven years sufficed to hang, burn, or drown a witch.

You may be assured your family will be respected." Events have proved how well they kept their word. It was to fulfil the intention of recommending his family to the people with his dying breath that he commenced his address upon the scaffold, when Santerre ordered the drums to drown his last accents, and the axe to fall!

They heard him repeatedly say to himself, musing profoundly, "Will he? Will he be made to? No and yet no, he will not dare." During this monologue Louvois was so absorbed that he was within an ace of driving them all into the water, and would have done so, had they not seized the reins, and cried out that he was going to drown them.