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But I do think you shouldn't allow yourself to look as if you wanted to knock him down." "There's nothing in life that would give me greater satisfaction!" He relaxed his grasp on her arms, and she let them drop from his shoulders. She turned aside, with a little droop of the head, as if she felt it useless to argue with one so stubbornly set on his own destruction. He looked after her.

'They mark the graves of those who had very tender, loving friends. 'I was sure they did! the child exclaimed. 'I am very glad to know they do! 'Aye, returned the old man, 'but stay. Look at them. See how they hang their heads, and droop, and wither. Do you guess the reason? 'No, the child replied. 'Because the memory of those who lie below, passes away so soon.

"No, I used to set snares by the hundred, but I never caught anything better than a sparrow." A wistful look crossed her face, and for an instant the youth seemed to droop and fade in her eyes. "Isn't that life? sparrows for larks always?" His sanguine spirit rejected this as she had known that it would. "Life is all right," he replied, "as long as there's a fighting chance left to you.

Meanwhile her gaze, that seemed so constant to his eyes, reviewed other people in the lounge in one swift, searching glance, and returned to Lanyard with a droop of the lashes, imperceptible to all but him, that signified there was no one present likely in her esteem to prove dangerous to their peace of mind. "Flattery? To you? But impossible!" He delighted her, and she showed it openly.

And yet with all her Northern clearness and frankness of line and colouring, there seemed to be something of the tropics in her something of languor in the droop of her pose, of love of ease in her ingenious complacency of satisfaction and comfort in the mere act of breathing something that seemed to claim for her a right as a perfect work of nature to exist and be admired equally with a rare flower or some beautiful, milk-white dove among its sober-hued companions.

I began to tremble involuntarily; an awful change had come without warning into the air; my legs grew weak as paper beneath my weight and I had to support myself by leaning on the table. Colonel Wragge, I saw, was also leaning forward with a kind of droop. The shapes of fire had vanished all, but his face was lit by the red lamps and the pale, shifting moonlight rose behind him like mist.

For a long time the street is deserted, and then a bedraggled figure in a shawl, with a big paper parcel under her arm, shuffles noiselessly by and disappears down an adjacent turning. Then there is another long interval, interrupted by a pretentious clock sonorously sounding two. A feeling of drowsiness creeps over me; my eyelids droop.

Clang and clangour. Firm establishment. Fast foundations. March of myriads. Confusion and chaos trod to earth. But this city to which we travel has neither stone nor marble; hangs enduring; stands unshakable; nor does a face, nor does a flag greet or welcome. Leave then to perish your hope; droop in the desert my joy; naked advance.

He said in a low voice, "You darling!" and made her a very wonderful bow, and she dropped him a very low, very slow, very marvellous courtesy, and, rising, laid her fingers on his embroidered sleeve. Then turning, head held erect, and with a certain sweet insolence in the droop of her white lids, she looked at the men around her.

"Does it look well, Don Diego?" asked one girl, holding her head coquettishly on one side. "It looked better on its vine," he said, absently. He was looking for Chonita, who had disappeared. "Roses are like women: they lose their subtler fragrance when plucked; but, like women, their heads always droop invitingly."