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Seeing this, Royston got down, and lifting him up, helped him into the cab with some considerable difficulty. The deceased fell back into the cab, and seemed to drop off to sleep; so, after closing the door, Royston turned to remount his driving-seat, when he found the gentleman in the light coat whom he had seen holding up the deceased, close to his elbow.

The man in the car stepped down from his driving-seat, once he was sure of firm ground under his wheels again, and walked slowly and wistfully about his resurrected devil-wagon. "The wages of sin is mud," he said as I trotted up to him. "And how much better it would have been, O Singing Pine-Tree, if I'd never taken that car!"

"O!" quoth he, as to himself, "O the pity on't so foul an end to so fair a bird!" "Never whine!" says I, "but tell me how far hence lieth Lamberhurst." "Better nor six mile!" he sighed, heaving himself into the driving-seat. "Why then, do you carry me thither." "Ad's love!" he mourned.

But to our travellers. Little conversation passed between our friends for the first few miles, for, in addition to the road being rough, the driving-seat was so high, and the other so low, that Mr. Jogglebury Crowdey's parables broke against Mr.

Do you think you'll be able to manage alone?" "I think so," said the chief inspector confidently. "I'll get the local superintendent to send up a couple of plain-clothes men as we pass. You'll bring her straight back to town." "Ay!" In a quarter of an hour all preparations were finished. Malley was in the driving-seat of the car.

He could discern the figure of a woman high up on the driving-seat of a phaeton, a groom being just visible behind. Presently there was a slight scrape, then a scream. Winterborne went across to the spot, and found the phaeton half overturned, its driver sitting on the heap of rubbish which had once been his dwelling, and the man seizing the horses' heads. The equipage was Mrs.

I dare say this isn't the kind of rig you have been accustomed to driving in; and somebody will have to sit on a trunk. There's only room for three on the driving-seat." Mrs. Colston surveyed the vehicle with misgivings. It was a long, shallow box set on four tall and very light wheels, and crossed by a seat raised on springs. Two rough-coated horses were harnessed to it with a pole between them.

"I don't want a girl," returned his lordship. "A girl would bore me to death. I am not going to dry-nurse a girl at the age of fifty-four. I want a companion." "But I am so far from clever," faltered Emily. The marquis turned in his driving-seat to look at her. It was really a very nice look he gave her. It made Emily's cheeks grow pink and her simple heart beat.

"Advance a pace or two, Captain," said the young officer I addressed; "you can see it all." I did so, and then beheld oh, with what delight and surprise! my poor friend, Pioche, seated on the driving-seat of a gun, with his hand in salute as the Emperor spoke to him. "Thou wilt not have promotion, nor a pension. What, then, can I do for thee?" said Napoleon, smiling.

Played over the faces of the servants, too, Mary and Laura just within the open door, Hordle and Conyers outside loading down the baggage from the back of the mail-phaeton, and on Patch, exalted high above them on the driving-seat.